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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. Probably because Trump lost and they're actively looking for errors that may have helped him. No one is out there reporting on or looking for more votes for Biden, because he doesn't need them. GOP officials are actively trying to make it look like the election was rigged, which is why they're only covering one side of the story here. For the most part, these people are posting stuff on twitter, actual reporters look into it and question election officials, and the election officials explain that the issues have already been dealt with. GOP conspiracy theorists who are trying to shake the hornets nest are never going to bring up examples of errors going for Trump because that doesn't line up with the agenda they're working on.
  2. I'm pretty sure the virus is the enemy and fighting a war globally is just as challenging as fighting a pandemic only in the US. This is the whole reason you have a federal government. The outcome and goals in fighting both is essentially the exact same thing.
  3. The first two things were corrected though. None of these things happened, and they were like, screw it, lets not correct our mistake. They did fix the errors. This is like saying a football team lost a game because of a call that replay overturned. Doesn't make much sense, or matter in the longrun. Also the Wayne County stuff is all BS. Michigan allows same day voter registration, so obviously their rolls from before the election aren't going to accurate reflect the people who actually voted.
  4. Right, but the US is doing as bad as any country in the developed world. The point is that other countries have been doing better. Again, the issue is that local governments can't adequately fight a global pandemic. They don't have the resources or local expertise needed. When a war starts, or a global pandemic is going on, this is the whole reason you have a federal government. When WW2 started and Pearle Harbour was bombed, FDR didn't leave it up to the states to fight the war individually. You have a Federal Government to deal with a crisis like this. Leaving it up to the states made no sense whatsoever.
  5. And that strategy clearly isn't working...
  6. Of course it's going to change. If you go from one guy who has mostly pretended the virus doesn't exist, and hasn't done anything about it or attended any COVID meetings for months to a guy who will likely make it his biggest priority, obviously the way it's covered will change. COVID coverage isn't extremely negative just for the sake of it. It's extremely negative because the Federal Government gave up trying to help the situation 6 months ago.
  7. Aside from Alito saying they could review it later, none of these things actually happened.
  8. Also, this is a link to some of the stuff William Hartmann, ie one of the GOP election board officials in Wayne County has on his Facebook. Seems like a really normal guy, who doesn't at all believe in conspiracy theories. https://twitter.com/DelWilber/status/1328860684352950278
  9. Trump is now 1-28 in court. You guys are patiently waiting, and hoping, for something that literally has no chance of happening, BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. If Trump had vaunted legal minds working for him, he wouldn't have Rudy Guliani filing last minute requests to get registered as a lawyer in the states where they want to contest the election. You'd think they'd already have qualified lawyers in those states working on these cases of fraud, but they don't. I'm not saying he can't do anything, I'm just saying he looks like a complete moron for doing what he's doing.
  10. LMAO Triggered much??? People are dying, refusing to accept they have COVID because Supreme Leader told them it's no big deal. People are literally dying because of Trump's horrendous leadership.
  11. Many of Trump's lawsuits have been appeals. Once defeated in appeals court they have practically no chance of changing any outcomes. At this point Trump's legal efforts are pretty much dead in the water in every state where he's claimed fraud.
  12. Florida got their stuff together after 2000 with their election issues. Unfortunately no one else followed suit, many by design. They bought into the messaging Trump preferred which was that he won, and that the Dems stole the election from him, when reality is that the ballots that were being counted Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in PA probably arrived days, or weeks ahead of time and just sat in piles waiting to be counted after the day of votes. Hopefully this was a wake up call for the whole country and it doesn't happen again.
  13. I think when the dust settles a lot of front line workers are going to be in really bad shape mentally and psychologically. I think it's dawning on a lot of these rural healthcare workers how many deaths could have been avoided had the virus not become a political issue by Trump who tied his election survival to the economy. The nurse talking about people not believing they have COVID, or wanting access to whatever care Trump got is especially troubling. They were completely brainwashed and it cost them their lives.
  14. No problem. If there were any problems, we'd have concrete point at this point. But the election itself went exactly as it was supposed to. For the people who didn't like how it looked, the easy solution would be to do what Florida and North Carolina did and allow election officials to count mail in ballots as they come in, vs doing it after the day of the election.
  15. No. There's a global pandemic which has been completely politicized. Democrats wear masks, and Republicans don't. Democrats were always going to vote by mail and vote early to avoid lines. Republicans were always going to show up on election day. Trump literally told his voters not to vote early, except in Florida, where they count early and it would actually help him. Knowing all this, mostly GOP officials across swing states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona made it so that officials could not count any early or mail in ballots until all of the day of election ballots were counted. As a result, Trump had a big lead on election night, because his peoples votes got counted first, and his lead disappeared across the board as Democrat votes which were cast early began being counted. Everything happened exactly like it was supposed to, and despite knowing this, Trump cried foul, even though this was his plan all along to undermine the election process which officials at the state and federal level have said was the most secure of all time.
  16. No. You're there right now. You're at the destination now, you just refuse to accept it. The reality of the situation to any reasonable person is that Trump was decisively defeated in the election. He's used up his best legal challenges in the early aftermath, and they've all be quickly thrown out of court because they have zero evidence. His lawyers have now mostly quit, and he has very few legal battles outstanding that have any chance of overturning a single vote let alone tens of thousands of votes. After you've tried 25 lawsuits (like Trump has) with ZERO success, do you really expect the subsequent ones to be any more effective? Are they really going to be anymore compelling to the same type of judges following the same laws? Does that really sound like something that makes any sense whatsoever?
  17. They don't seem to have any understanding of how the legal system works. You don't just "go to the Supreme Court". You have to go through many courts before then, scoring wins along the way. Wins that would be based on actual evidence, which they're completely devoid of. As things stand Trump is running out of legal battles. They've been soundly defeated across the country and their legal options at this point are practically non existent.
  18. You have to win numerous legal battles before they could get to the Supreme Court. Trump hasn't won a single one yet. This wet dream of yours that the SC is going to rule in his favour is never going to happen, because they clearly have no proof whatsoever of any voter fraud.
  19. I don't see it. I'm not even sure he's peacefully going to leave in January. Admitting defeat would go against everything he stands for.
  20. What is even happening here? When was it filmed? Why does she go to great lengths to not show the guys face? Also, it might be worth pointing out that absentee ballots voted overwhelmingly for Biden.
  21. He's a sociopath and a narcissist. He doesn't think like a normal person. He's completely humiliated by his defeat and will do whatever it takes to right what he thinks was a rigged election against him.
  22. These people can only exist in an echo chamber surrounded by people like themselves. They're incapable of any critical thought.
  23. I disagree. He'll have a cake walk into being the nominee and is such an egomaniac he'll probably run again. If GOP rivals won't challenge him now, they know they have no chance against him for the nomination. He could theoretically be the de facto GOP nominee for the next four years without anyone challenging him.
  24. Folks? You have Rudy Guliani. All the real lawyers they had in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia quit because they know there's no real case. Neither of these things actually happened.
  25. Trump is a want to be dictator. If he said I'm not leaving, arrested Biden and said we're not doing elections anymore, few of his supporters would care.
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