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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. I disagree. Trump is going to run again. Anyone who speaks out against him will ruin their political career on the national stage. Trump will cakewalk his way to the nomination in 4 years. No one will cross him until they know what his intentions are. There's already talk of his daughter in law running for senator to "test the waters" in North Carolina in two years.
  2. He only hires the "best" people. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. When did the US ever have a national response? I must have missed it.
  4. You're talking about 1 day. I'm talking about 8 months.
  5. What is happening, is that you've intentionally changed numbers, and don't appear capable of doing basic mathematic calculations. The US numbers across the board when compared to Europe are much worse. Total deaths much worse, total cases much worse. And what's changed? In a nutshell, treatments have got better. Because this was a brand new virus that had never been seen before, it took a while to figure out that it's actually more of an autoimmune disease than a respiratory one. As time has gone by, doctors have discovered that an effective way to control the virus is with steroids which actually supress your immune system. After all, for most people it's not the virus that kills them, it's their bodies response to the virus getting into their lungs, and their immune system going completely haywire and them ultimately dying due to pneumonia as they essentially wind up drowning on gunk and discharge created by their immune system.
  6. Math doesn't appear to be your strong suit.
  7. But they were uncovered!! All of the errors your talking about were uncovered. The system quite literally did what it was supposed to do, with the safeguards in place working to make sure all votes were accurately counted. When you actively work to slow down the postal service so that mail in ballots don't arrive on time, in an attempt to disenfranchise millions of voters who will vote by mail I don't really have an issue with the rules being changed. With that said, the number of these votes that arrived after November 3rd weren't great enough to impact the election. Evidence shows that Democrats voted by mail very early with almost all of their mail in votes arriving by November 3rd, so this, like pretty much every defense Trump has put up so far is a moot point. And the law I was referring to was the one that said absentee and mail in votes can't be counted until after the day of votes. That's why it looked odd to some people. If they'd just let Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, etc count these votes as they came in, the election would have been called for Biden by around 10 pm on November 3rd.
  8. 750 million people live in Europe.
  9. Ballots are verified, by both Republicans and Democrats. I know this sounds crazy, but voting in the US is actually really secure.
  10. Trump's lawyers are now suggesting that the election was rigged by the late Hugo Chavez and the supposed election stealing efforts are funded by "communist money". Obviously they present zero proof to back up their claims. At this point why are these lunatics allowed on television?
  11. If an error is found by the election system, it's not actually an error because the safeguards in place worked. You're making an issue over mistakes that were made, and corrected, so that there were not actually any mistakes to the number of votes each candidate received. And again, the GOP strategy right now is to throw as much crap at the wall as possible to make it look like there were issues. That has been their approach for 2.5 weeks, so distort the truth, say there were "errors" when the issues were caught and corrected, and ultimately undermine the process as thoroughly as possible. The GOP is crying about things that resulted in an accurate vote count. The systems worked to make sure that these "errors" didn't actually mess with an accurate vote count. This is why there are poll watchers, why there adjudicators for each side to verify votes and signatures, etc. There are numerous sets of eyeballs on every vote before it's counted, and all these reports of errors have shown is that the system works really well to make sure that actual mistakes aren't recorded incorrectly towards the official count. It's called a "law". In this case, the "law" in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada clearly states that absentee and mail in votes CANNOT under any circumstances be counted until after all in person, day of election votes are counted.
  12. It's now being reported that Trump is flying a bunch of GOP state lawmakers from Michigan to Washington tomorrow to discuss the election results with him. If people are looking for fraud, it's being committed by the guy in the White House. Can't discuss it on the phone or in writing, so they're going in person. Sounds straight out of a mob movie if you ask me.
  13. What errors? The things you posted about were caught by the system, and the votes were counted correctly.
  14. Trump is finished, but his supporters refuse to see the writing on the wall. The lawyers are quitting, they're getting laughed out of federal court day after day and the election is over. Only Rudy Guiliani is left to lie for Trump, and they see right through his BS. There was no fraud and the vote wasn't rigged. Voters delivered Republicans victories all over the country in the Senate, House, and state level that were unexpected, but they were sick of Trump and couldn't bring themselves to vote for him too. The US wanted to return to normalcy, and they likely will. This was a referendum on Trumpism, and it was soundly defeated.
  15. Do you know why it's called a Novel Coronavirus?
  16. LOL He had 3 lawyers. They all tried to quit. The judge made one of them keep the case. A lawyer who knew their lawsuit was useless. They couldn't find anyone else, so Trump sent Rudy, who isn't even allowed to practice law in PA, to argue the case. No surprise they lost. This is what will keep happening all over the country. It's what happens when you sue people and you don't have any actual evidence.
  17. They're not hearing this on OANN or Newsmax therefore in their eyes there's no chance it's true. The GOP relies on their ignorance and stubbornness to only live in an echo chamber where they only hear the things they want them to hear over and over again until their lies seem like the truth.
  18. You'd think that on an "official" graph they'd have been able to spell "blue" correctly on the Y axis. Also this, like every other conspiracy theory presented here has already been debunked. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/11/17/rudy-giuliani-joins-trump-pennsylvania-lawsuit-after-other-lawyers-back-out/?sh=593684895805 Rudy literally had to ask for an emergency request to practice law in Pennsylvania because most of Trump's actual lawyers there quit.
  19. Really? 1-28 in court and you don't think his lawyers are jumping ship because of the merits of their cases? You don't think maybe these elite lawyers you keep referring to looked at the facts in front of them (or lack thereof) and said, we're screwed because we have no evidence, and I'm not going to tarnish my reputation or my firms reputation making absurd claims that keep getting laughed out of federal court? I know you're not looking at this from a practical perspective, but maybe that's what Trump's lawyers did.
  20. If Trump had a lot of good lawyers working for him, he wouldn't need to have Guiliani applying for emergency admittance to the PA Bar so that he can argue in Federal Court there.
  21. Al Gore contested an election that he lost by 500 votes. Trump is contesting a handful of races that he lost by 10k-100k+ votes. His lawyers have dropped like flies because they have no case. They're unwilling to take cases that have no hope of being successful. Rudy had to apply for emergency admittance to the Bar in PA because Trump didn't have any other lawyers there willing to take the case on Tuesday. He's the only grifter left willing to take donor's money and take up the losing legal battle. Those are the facts. You don't have to like them, but nothing I said is untrue.
  22. His lawyers are 1-28 in court so far, so yeah, that sounds about right.
  23. Trump had states not count mail in ballots until after day of ballots because if they had, the election would have been called against him by 10 pm on election night and it would have eliminated his opportunity to whine and moan for 3+ weeks and keep raising money for the future. This was all done intentionally to undermine the election and make Trump's supporters think he was screwed. If they'd have just allowed absentee votes to be counted as they came in, no one would think it was rigged.
  24. At this point, you're probably right, but I think the real missed opportunity was back in March. If instead of downplaying the virus, Trump had issued a message of unity and everyone pulling together to get cases down low enough so that they could contact trace, that it could have been nipped in the bud before it ever became a national problem. Some really smart people suggested a 4 week mandatory stay at home order for the whole country in mid-March. If they'd done that and maintained a nearly closed border that the virus would have been gone by May and Trump would have won maybe the biggest landslide in the past 60 years. Just my two cents.
  25. Again, this is what they're doing and it's clearly not working, so continuing to say that that's what is needed makes little to no sense. To put it plainly, the local effort is NOT working. Maybe it's time to try something different.
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