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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. Glad I went on record. Hopefully there aren't 30,000+ new cases on Monday.
  2. If science says 10,000 people should die with strict social distancing, and you enact government policies that contradict that science that will cause significantly more people to die because you hope it will benefit you economically, there's no difference.
  3. Exponential means the rate of infection doubles every 3 days. For example, 3 days ago there were about 8,000 new cases. Yesterday there was over 17,000 new cases. As the numbers go up, hospitals become overwhelmed. Some hospitals across the North Eastern US are now at capacity. They're out of beds. Keep in mind that many of these new cases are just beginning to show symptoms. Some of them will get much worse, and as that happens the lack of space in ICUs and access to ventilators will become critical. Once you make it to an ICU, you cannot survive without a ventilator. When they run out of ventilators, that's when people start being left to die in the hallways, as has been the case in Italy.
  4. We do know where it's going to some extent. Maybe not exactly, but all the experts on this subject matter expect it to get exponentially worse over the coming weeks. If by Monday night the US sees 30,000 new cases there will be hundreds of people dying every day.
  5. It will likely go higher as NYC hospitals become overwhelmed. I heard Cuomo say that on average patients spend 5 to 11 days hooked up to a ventilator. The major concern is that when hospitals run out of ventilators (as they did in Italy), new patients who turn critical will be left to die because the only way to survive at that point is to be hooked up to one. This is the whole reason people have been asked to socially distance themselves so that everyone doesn't get sick at the same time and completely incapacitate the healthcare system. Italy's hospitals got over run. So far that hasn't happened in the US, but it likely will in certain spots within the next week or so. The number of infected people is still doubling about every 3 days. A few days ago I said there'd be 16,000 cases today simply based off the math (up from 8,000). As things stand that looks pretty likely given the stats out so far today. The main question is in 3 days will there be 32,000 new cases? If so there's absolutely no chance Trump can try to reopen the country at Easter.
  6. By the end of the day the US will have the most COVID-19 cases in the world. However the rate of which new cases is doubling seems to have slowed down slightly which is positive.
  7. The die is cast. The economy isn't going back to normal until this virus is under control. Consumer confidence will be shot, the travel industry will be annihilated, restaurants destroyed, car companies in trouble, etc. Every service industry will be affected as people tighten the purse strings.
  8. The numbers are getting worse. Yesterday 140 people dead. Today over 220 deaths. Today over 110 fatalities in NYC alone.
  9. You're fired.... in 10 months.
  10. The US will likely have the most COVID-19 cases in the world by the end of the week. Pretty scary stuff.
  11. I'd draft someone new and cut bait. Don't get bogged down in a huge contract for a QB who isn't truly an elite player.
  12. At the end of this season you have to decide if we're picking up his 5th year option which will come with a payday of approximately $30-32 million in 2022. I think that by default makes this year a prove it year for Allen.
  13. The middle ground is the worst option. If a business loses all revenue for 1 month with an enormous government bailout, vs seeing a 30% drop over 6 months, what's the better option?
  14. Clearly really smart people must be developing models on this at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, etc, right? Right? Like in a week or so the smartest mathematicians in the world will have models in place to project the outcomes for each scenario, lock down vs do nothing. Someone has thought of that right?
  15. As they should. The US should do the same thing. It should have been done 10 days ago.
  16. This won't accomplish anything. You can't force such a large portion of the population to exit the economy and pretend that everything will be fine. People are not going to go on with their lives as they did a month ago. No one is booking a family trip. No one is buying a new car. No one is going out to restaurants as regularly as they did. The die is cast. With real leadership. This is a crisis. The country is essentially at war. Someone needs to step up and make the tough decisions that won't be popular.
  17. It's a 30 day economic holiday. The alternative is ruining the economy. The economy can survive a 30 day shut down. It can't survive a prolonged period of negative GDP growth with no timeline on when things will improve by.
  18. Holy hyperbole. Asking people to stay home for 30 days means dictatorship, human rights violations and "censorship?" I see it as the only way to save the economy. China reopened Wuhan today. That could be America if you follow that model. Shut everything down, don't collect mortgage payments, don't collect utility payments, don't collect rent. Just stay home, and then in 30 days you can reopen everything after you fully quarantine everyone who is sick. Prolonging thing will only decimate consumer confidence and wreck the service and hospitality industries, the airline industries and contract GDP. Then other companies will begin laying people off, and the whole thing will snowball.
  19. Yes they will. Lock things down for 30 days, and cover those businesses expenses. If that means spending trillions of dollars, then spend trillions of dollars. Prolonging things is the route that can't be taken. That's the one that results in economic ruin. We need to follow China's model.
  20. I agree. I'm just saying if it does happen it'll be behind closed doors. I don't think the 2020 season is going to materialize.
  21. The NFL season might happen, but I think it will be in empty stadiums. Social distancing guidelines will likely remain in place through the end of the year. Letting 60,000 into a stadium together seems like something that won't be happening anytime soon.
  22. I think the issue is that in many places social distancing guidelines haven't been followed. China seemed to have had success because they're an authoritarian regime who was locking people in their homes. I think the western world is struggling because they took so much longer to act in a meaningful way.
  23. Me too on all three! Many aren't though. Many who are going to push reopening the economy on right wing news outlets over the coming weeks and thus voluntarily allowing more people to die than is necessary believe abortion at any stage should be a crime. My comment is directed at them.
  24. Exactly. Cases went up by 8,000 ONE DAY. The number literally gets bigger every day. In 3 days it will likely be 16,000 new cases.
  25. You really have no clue as to the economic cost of being a 20 year old female, making minimum wage who unexpectedly got pregnant. Let's accept that more old people need to die than is necessary to "save the economy", but if a young female decides to end a life because it will affect their personal finances and she doesn't have the financial resources to take care of that child, that's unacceptable. The hypocrisy is laughable. You can't be pro life and accept that old people need to die so that your stock portfolio isn't inconvenienced.
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