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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. They don't represent you. The party caters entirely to the MAGA, grievance filled wing of the party. The don't believe in democracy or the constitution. They're only loyal to their dictator.
  2. I still don't think he'll leave peacefully. I think he'll push it to the limit and see what happens. After 100+ GOP congress members signed onto this laughable lawsuit, I think he'll push into uncharted territory and see how the system responds.
  3. Because there is no fraud. They want to abolish democracy. Plain and simple. That's all this is about. Republicans don't believe in the core concept of a Democracy when the people who get the most votes win. They cling to the electoral college as being something "fair", and now that it's not working for them they're pissed and they can't accept reality. They're losing their last remaining grip on power and they're absolutely petrified. Because they never believed in democracy to begin with, it's easy for them to move towards accepting a Dictator if it means they get their way, hence tens of millions of GOP voters getting on board with tossing an election because their guy didn't win.
  4. I still don't think Trump has any intention of leaving the White House peacefully. It goes against everything he and his brand stand for.
  5. It's pretty clear at this point that there was no fraud. The election was over a month ago and there hasn't been a shred of evidence provided to support that claim. Also, GOP lawyers aren't even alleging fraud in their lawsuits.
  6. The Trump legal arguments in here are just nonsensical. Trump is going to go down as the biggest sore loser of all time.
  7. Not based off what I've watched. After each witness one of the GOP guys keeps asking if the witness can give him any legal reason that they can not certify the results, or that they can ask for an audit, and no one answers his question saying they can. It'll be a 3-1 decision and it will be certified later today.
  8. I thought he said last year that he wouldn't run again. I think that was probably part of what got everyone to drop out before Super Tuesday. The Dem brain trust probably went to people like Mayor Pete and Klobuchar and said, we need to get you guys out of the race to consolidate your bases behind Biden to avoid Bernie winning the nomination. The trade off being he won't seek re-election, and you can have at the nomination again four years from now.
  9. McConnell cares about taking care of his special interests. That's his only job to do in Washington, to make sure his high profile donors get what they want from the Federal Government. Trump doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.
  10. It's almost like people in cities turned out in record numbers and they really hate Donald Trump. It's also like a lot of people voted GOP all over their tickets except for President because they find Trump so repulsive.
  11. Agreed. He completely owned him. It was beautiful.
  12. Trump couldn't care less. He'll spend the next two months doing as much damage as possible before Biden gets the keys to the house. He has no shame.
  13. Pretty clear that one of the GOP canvassers in Michigan plans on voting to certify the results. Michigan will be certified later today.
  14. What's incredible is that Trump supporters will likely parrot the take that she was never involved. The stupidity is comical.
  15. Didn't a few different agencies say they looked into it and there was nothing there?
  16. This makes no sense whatsoever. If they had a case they'd have announced it while Biden was running for President.
  17. Will investigate? They've had the Senate for four years and held the house from 2017-2019... If they're going to investigate, what the hell are they waiting for?
  18. A whole bunch of Trump associates are in jail so saying they didn't find anything is a bit disingenuous. If Hunter did anything illegal he'd obviously already be in jail, or charged with a crime.
  19. Trump's lawsuit in Arizona got tossed today as well. They'll certify their results tomorrow based off what I read. As things stand, they're recounting two counties in Wisconsin, their lawsuits have all been tossed in Pennsylvania and Michigan is going to certify their results on Monday. Yet Trump won't concede. What a loser psychopath.
  20. I disagree, regarding Ivanka. I think they have some real daddy/daughter issues. The sons are just pawns. The tax issues seem to stem from paying Ivanka and writing off those payments. People have gone to jail for doing that.
  21. I'm convinced that Trump is desperately trying to hold on to power because it'll be the only thing that keeps him or his kids out of prison. I think they know what's waiting for them at the Southern District of NY, and they know it's not going to work out well for them.
  22. I've read multiple articles about how their legal filings have been filed incorrectly, have spelling mistakes and as was the case in Michigan incorrectly named counties that were actually in Minnesota. Trump's legal defense is a microcosm of his White House and the Trump Organization. It's just gross incompetency by everyone involved to the point where they're embarrassing themselves.
  23. Trump's lawyers are beyond incompetent.
  24. At this point does anyone actually expect Trump to leave quietly? I don't. I think this gets a lot worse before it gets any better.
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