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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. Sure. Life is a gamble. But most of those gambles don't result in 1-3% of the people who get infected dying. Would you get on a plane if there was a 1 in 100 chance it crashed?
  2. LMAO How the hell do you think the people in the nursing home got it? Do you think Betty the 90 year old with dementia was out on the town on Friday night, and picked it up because she wasn't social distancing? Or do you think a visitor from outside the home brought it in and killed a ton of people by infecting a loved one who went on to infect a bunch of other people? Jeez. Yeah, it's really normal for massive portions of the population at a nursing home to all die in a 1 to 2 week window. That's totally normal and happens all the time.
  3. Most of them from old age, heart attacks and strokes. Also, none of those people have any chance of killing other people because they're carrying a deadly virus. That's the key part. The people who are sick can kill other people. If I eat like crap my whole life and have a massive heart attack when I'm 50, no one else is affected.
  4. Honestly I think it's hilarious to watch people out protesting the stay at home orders. With how polarized the country is, those people waving their Trump flags and bitching about not being able to get their hair cut or fertilize their lawn are probably socially active with other Trump supporters and eventually the virus is going to start spreading through their ranks without them knowing it. Natural selection.
  5. The bold part is pure fantasy land.
  6. He can't do stadium rallies so he's using the daily press conferences instead to feed his base red meat.
  7. I'm on your side, lol I put him on ignore a couple months ago.
  8. What a complete lunatic. This guy is such a disaster.
  9. With Trump it's always someone else's fault. Republicans don't care how many people die. So much for being pro life and doing everything possible to preserve human life. That flew out the window when their stock portfolio's took a big hit.
  10. There are already over 34,000 deaths. 7,000 people have died in the last three days.
  11. LOL The Republicans held the White House, Senate and House for two years.
  12. Agreed. It's all set up for him to be successful. Let's see his efficiency jump into the low to mid 90s and we might be one of the few teams that finds a quality QB they can build around for many years.
  13. Wow! Your argument was filled with facts, expert analysis and quotes to clearly prove Trump hasn't been a fiscal disaster to the country. Thanks for clearing things up so superbly. Taking a $585 billion deficit and doubling it in 3 years during an economic boom was incredible. Only a master economic planner with a long track record of financial success could achieve such impressive results in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to see what the deficit will be this year. $1.5 trillion? $1.7 trillion? 2 trillion?!?! Who cares about our children and grandchildren. Those tax cuts to the uber wealthy and ballooning government spending will all be worth it in the long run. I'm sure hypocritical "fiscal conservatives" will be able to provide all the answers as to why the deficit mattered so much from 2009 to 2017 but not from 2017 onward.
  14. I get that, I'm just really hung up on the fact that there's hardly any track record that says you should be making major contract decisions based off "potential" once a guy is 4 years into the league. The list of QBs who make big jumps after that point is very small, and practically non-existent over the past 20 years. If the dilemma is paying someone like Josh $40 mil/year to post a QB rating in the mid 80s because they might get better, I'd probably opt to go and try to sign someone like Ryan Fitzpatrick, Andy Dalton or even Cam Newton for a fraction of that cost with plenty of evidence that I'll be getting the same passing production.
  15. Some people just want to live with their head in the sand, like yourself! Trump has been a fiscal disaster. He goes against everything conservatives have claimed to stand for for the past 20 years. The fact that "conservatives" support him is a mystery given he's done everything they bitched and moaned about from 2009 to 2017, only much worse.
  16. LOL As you clearly sidestep a simple question because you hate the answer. Reality is that Obama inherited a mess ($1.4 trillion deficit) and left with the books in much better shape ($585 billion deficit). Trump turned Obama's $585 billion deficit into $1.083 trillion in just under 3 years despite "the best economy ever". Trump has been a colossal disaster on spending. There's nothing conservative at all about his approach to trying to balance the budget or keep Federal spending in check. Only an idiot ramps up federal spending when the economy is humming. That's when you're supposed to be paying down your debt and getting your house in order.
  17. Agreed. If we don't produce more points, why would we marry ourselves to this QB when we're in the bottom 3rd of the league in scoring. Why would anyone we satisfied with that type of production, let alone reward that offense's QB with a $40 mil/year contract.
  18. Knox is 6'4 and Kroft is 6'6. How much bigger are we supposed to get a tight end?
  19. What is this based off? How many NFL teams actually have two good running backs? I can't think of more than a handful teams.
  20. What did the deficit look like under Obama vs Trump?
  21. Then give him 5 years $85 mil. The point is we should be extending him now. Lock up our best player and send a positive message to the locker room that if you perform you'll get taken care of. Start negotiating is what I'm saying.
  22. Why not? What if he blows his knee out? Zeke Elliott held out all last summer (after his 3rd year) because he wanted an extension. The risk/reward of getting a couple mil extra or suffering a major injury that drastically reduces his earning potential seems like a no brainer for both sides.
  23. I totally agree. I'm just saying the NFL will find a way because they're they league the most motivated by money, and it will probably all wind up as a train wreck because as you said, the logistics don't make any sense.
  24. We should be extending White this offseason to get his cap hits down in 2022 and beyond. 5 years, $80 mil seems like it should do it.
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