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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. The recommendation for the masses to wear masks in public like the cdc says. Trump then walks into a huge room and says he’s not following that. Not a great move when we are trying to follow a cdc recommendation to control a pandemic and there are already a swath of morons who want to ignore this. Not too hard to either change the briefing setup to avoid a crowded stage or have the crowded stage with masks. Crowded stage and room with no mask is a bad look. It’s like looking into the sun during an eclipse if you will. Do as he says anyways. I hope he changes the briefings or the mask idea. We need to go at this thing Japanese culture style coming out of it.
  2. They take priority for sure and it will be great when these things are floating around for all of us like toothpicks.
  3. For sure man. I love my customers and I understand that paying the people they see every day (their employees) comes before paying me. I have the same thing happening to my vendors. It's a cash flow disaster, which is why the SBA loans can help us all push cash through the system to our fellow businesses. If no one pays me for 3 months but they start paying old receivables and money all gets paid, it'll be OK. Not great, but OK. More than 3 months and things start to look Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse. Pretty sure I can shake some $$ out of the trees before then. Totally different culture of distancing and cleanliness too.
  4. Keep watching the big cities here. In Italy, it only really bombed the Milan area, which is arguably the most NYC place in the country. In Spain, Madrid, again similar to NYC.
  5. No one thinks that. This ####ing sucks. I won't belabor you with my personal issues but I suspect most of us have them. On a separate note, one of my daughter's classmates has it. Prognoses for kids are good but that hits close to home, especially since my kid has asthma and the elevates her risk. Helps put some of the $$ into perspective. (She hasn't been in class with this kid for weeks so she's at no risk from her.)
  6. In terms of what you're going through, I am in the same boat and I am sorry. I had a brutal discussion yesterday with someone who works for me about where we are and how long we can hold out. I can make it work for a while but not measured in a long period where nothing changes. The SBA thing can help. Until 4 weeks ago, I could have sustained almost any hit the market could have given me including a massive downturn like 2008. But this is a whole different thing entirely. My receivables are high but I haven't gotten a payment in 3 weeks. That's not odd, it's completely unprecedented. I like the Trump has sent signals about how concerned he is about this. Looking at all the data, if NYC metro remains as 50% of the country's cases and deaths by the end of this month, and this doesn't appreciably jump elsewhere, we may have to consider whether we re-open sooner and just pinpoint large metro areas for quarantine rules and slower re-openings. What is currently happening in NYC is awful but it's also not being replicated anyplace else. Good luck--I'll love to have the psy-op discussion another day but now's not the time for either of us. "Told" What an ass. I understand what he and Cuomo are doing to put pressure on the government to get the help they think they need but imagine what a spirit of cooperation and more subtle pressure would do to the mood of the country.
  7. Still early but if this is true, the reckoning will be ugly and deserved. And we won't be alone in lowering the boom. We're so intwined with CN that it won't be easy.
  8. I agree with that but right now, being too aggressive on that tactic is cutting off our nose to spite our face. They can produce things we need right now, including PPE, ventilators, and at some point lots of necessary drugs. I'm all for revisiting the China issue once this is over. ***** them is right. Germany on the other hand, is not a country we need to poke in the eye. They are an ally and 200,000 masks made in China by an American company, headed for Germany, should go to Germany. Assuming that story has merit, which it may not. We are not in this fight alone and other countries have already helped us. We can do the same.
  9. Giving the finger to countries whose help we need now and will need in the future is not a recipe for long term success.
  10. This may well be the tool Trump touted early on that got so much press. It's not what we need though. We need something related to case tracking.
  11. Pence already floated June, which is a signal if you want it. I wouldn't count on May.
  12. Cuomo is 100% playing with the numbers (24 hour trends, vs yesterday data and games like that) to get his 40000 ventilators and billions in aid. But NYS and NYC in particular are the hardest hit. No matter where you look though, the NY numbers all trend almost identically. I don't think the 50% increase in the last 24 hours is a lie. It will show up in all sources. His press conferences are usually where they show up first and today's was sobering.
  13. What? I want to open ASAP but not in a stupid way that forces another shutdown. I have employees and a family too.
  14. No grocery stores are closed here. And most only allow a certain number of people in the stores, and also spread people out during checkout. No sensible person is leaning across another to get their broccoli. And I can't get bread and milk at The Gap, no matter how uncrowded it is. Social distancing is about staying home and keeping your "distance" except for necessities. It's not about mixing with people in other settings. ^^^This guy is the reason we may need harder enforcement. He's one step away from the Corona-Party kid.
  15. That's probably why you're not on Pence's pandemic team Amigo.
  16. I was looking at a calendar day of data from yesterday. The updated data he just gave definitely shows a huge spike. This is why one day trends are no good. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/new-york-coronavirus-cases.html
  17. No. Either he misspoke on the number or was misquoted. We have only had 1 day with more than 1000 deaths in US (4/1). The state (not the city) had it's biggest jump in deaths yesterday. That is true. ~430 or so.
  18. 14 days is a better number. That would be about now to look for leveling but only if people abided the quarantine and if they didn't go infect their households, in which case the leveling will go on a bit. Too early, though the last 3 days are promising. There have been 3 day leveling moments before. You're missing the point. We are not under house arrest. If the only close interaction people are having is at the grocery store and pharmacy, as recommended, that is a pretty massive social distancing campaign that will succeed for dampening this wave.
  19. The gothamist website, and it looks like they get it from NYS/NYC data. It shows 180ish deaths on 4/2, which is what you're saying. When I look at the NYC Health Dept info, they show less than 150 deaths on 4/2 (but also fewer on 4/1). I bet it has something to do with a measure of Manhattan vs NYC Metro or something like that. But they both show the big drop from 4/1 to 4/2. Either way, there was a one day drop, and I love it because of the human impact but it's not trending news yet. We should expect to see a leveling for a while before there's an actual drop.
  20. NYC deaths declined for sure. It was the NYS deaths that continued to increase. I wasn't questioning his optimism, just which NY (C vs S) he was talking about. Way way way too early to have a single day be worthy of trend excitement. See 3/29 below.
  21. No, I'm suggesting that we should all look forward to a time when we can dedicate energy to small issues again, instead of the 1000 dead/day economy crippling virus.
  22. Annoying but minor. Keep your lid on straight and focus on our national response to this virus medically and for the economy.
  23. Up yesterday in NYS, declined in NYC though.
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