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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Some parents can work if they have kids but many cannot or they cannot work well. Cuomo and de Blasio were just having a spat. Kids aren’t going back to school this spring in NYS. They both know it. All the states around NY are punting the spring away. NY is not about to be the one hold out.
  2. Sorry I was not clear. I don't think any US kid is going back to normal school until the fall. I was merely noting how other countries are sending kids back first. Plus there is the question of day cares and camps in the summer here. If every kid is staying home, even the parents who want to work can't work.
  3. And because the feds won't take control, they know that they have to act together or it's a moot point how any single state deals with it. NJ can't be closed and have much benefit if NYS is open for business. The the "no peeing" section of the swimming pool theory. A national plan is best and makes the most sense but barring that, regional coalitions make sense.
  4. That's vague and I don't think he will stick with that. South/Central Jersey and Upstate/WNY are not the same as NYC in cases (same with eastern CT). And "only for people who've tested for anitbodies" will be too small of a group to make a difference economically. Metro NY needs to be the most careful in how it opens. Agree that allowing younger people back sooner makes the most sense. In Europe, they are even allowing schools back before other workplaces. The thinking being that you can't restart the economy while kids are home all day. And while they can carry, they are largely unharmed by the virus.
  5. We definitely have had thus far an NYC Metro-driven case and death problem. The other areas were somewhat spared by the shutdowns.
  6. We peaked at 2000 dead/day with shutdowns. Safe to say it would have been a lot more without. I'm not sure what more you'd need to know from the dread Powers That Be.
  7. Masks are supposed to be single use for a reason. We had and have a ppe shortage. And that’s just with masks and gowns. Wr seem to be getting more on top of it now.
  8. Hospital workers become patients because of poor PPE and patients get sick because of poor PPE. There’s a reason it’s so important. We can debate about whether certain politicians would have done more in Feb but we can’t debate that we didn’t do enough to prepare. Clearly we did not. Not just with PPE preparation but more so with planning and testing preparation. We lost an important month while downplaying the risks. You can blame Trump. You can blame Cuomo. Neither one gets a pass.
  9. If Trump skipped those press conferences, they would be better and we would get much better information. But he can’t miss a chance to talk and media can’t miss a chance to pound him. So we get the top narcissist battling the eyeball-eaters, when all we want is grown up conversations. Brutal to watch them act like this with this going on. Austria’s reopening plan looks sensible. “Shops of 400 square meters, around 4,300 square feet, or less, hardware stores and gardening centers were allowed to reopen, but shoppers are required to wear a mask or covering over their faces and noses and maintain a distance from one another.” Also some restrictions on people per sf in stores. Larger retail malls to open in 2 weeks. Factory and other places opening too.
  10. Trump in that Press conference doubled down on his authority be sole and absolute to decide when and how to reopen the economy. It can be painful to watch him work. He is right legally, but now puts his base and many supporters who have been saying this is a state issue in an awkward spot. Relevant to something JetsFan (???) said above, if we reopen too soon and cases surge, hold your elected officials responsible. It would just show that they didn’t have the backbone to make sure this shutdown was worth it. Watch these plans to reopen with great interest.
  11. No, it’s a national issue. Trump recognizes this in his statements today, which is good. Either that pressures in the states to act smarter or the feds will take the process over like the feds can legally do, as is clear from precedent and the 5th Circuit case this week.
  12. There was a moment this morning when we were congratulating each other on the quality of posts so far today. I wonder if goes to crap when other time zones wake up.
  13. In a circle of people whose business I know who have applied, none have received a dollar. Not evidence but just a data point. This includes by extension a relative who’s a Cpa that said all his clients are waiting. It’s a huge program and I’m not complaining. Just saying that they should be wary of patting themselves on the back too much.
  14. Anything actually newsworthy on guidelines for reopening the economy or treatment results? The rest is just the usual Unproductive sparring.
  15. They do when the governor of Mass keeps his state open for two weeks after NY closes.
  16. I don’t care if I die. I’m not looking to do it but if I do, I do. Life is a zero sum game. You get a life. You lose a life. Finis. But I’m not at risk particularly and not that afraid of the virus. Much more worried about the shutdown being ineffective. We all need to act together to beat this. We can’t have 300 person weddings starting now or we may as well not be in lockdown at all. We are either all in this together or we are not. If we are not, ok. But it doesn’t make sense to have different rules for people who just want to celebrate. It defeats the purpose of the shutdowns, which is to stop spread. I am more on the side of opening soon by the way. But since we are already partially down this path of bombing the economy, let’s make it worth something and get this under control. If we let the stupid virus just rise up and pass the level it was at before, this shut down will have been one of the dumbest decisions ever and we should pillory every state and federal politician for not pushing their powers to make this worth it. Got a union card?
  17. Their travel is irrelevant at this point since US spread is among ourselves. And letting people self-identify their current status with confidence is not how to beat this. We all assume we all have it and act accordingly will get us further than saying that “I ran a 5K yesterday and feel fine.”
  18. let’s see all the plans. Been waiting, though the federal guidelines/plans are the ones that matter.
  19. Kill yourself. Don’t kill me to have a party. I had an immediate family member die two weeks ago, not Covid related. No service. No ceremony. No viewing. Just her husband and us because we had been caregivers and we understood that we shouldn’t endanger others. It’s a different time at the moment. No one should arrest the wedding party or tar and feather them. Just break it up and wish them well. But also tel them they are being idiots. Same thing that happened to the full court basketball happening at our corner park for a week after we entered lockdown. A few interventions by neighbors and at least one calm one by a cop and it stopped.
  20. To buy food and things they need, nothing. If they are having a concert in the parking lot, something.
  21. Oh, the humanity. And how did the authorities find out about this wedding? Why, a snitch, of course, because that's the America we live in now: I understand the feeling about being anti-snitch but what the hell do you do when 10% of your town population is gathering in one place against all common sense and it endangers your community? Calling to shut it down makes sense. I’d do the same thing if 500 people decided to put on a party at my local park right now.
  22. But nothing to do with Covid-19 right? Anyone? Bueller?
  23. Wait. Do you think there is a possibility of a causal connection between 5G and Covid-19?
  24. You can't turn the gas back on fast. Everyone will be cautious and no one has extra cash. A bad combination. It's a good argument for getting this thing going sooner rather than later. Another month shut down could equal another year or more in recession. There is no quick climbing out of a hole with 15-20% unemployment.
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