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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. That’s been my concern in India. India has more cases and deaths. No way they can count them accurately.
  2. We may finish the day #2 in deaths. A tough milestone for Brazil but good for us. Will be close. Holiday weekend reporting and all that but still, we are seeing the shift to the rising cases in South America. My neighbor’s wife has been stuck in Colombia since mid March. They can test it elsewhere. It’s an important trial.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/24/politics/deborah-birx-donald-trump-masks-social-distancing/index.html Birx: wear the mask because they work (no kidding) and also mentioning future shutdowns. Birx also left open the possibility of recommending the nation shut down again if there is another major outbreak, saying "it's difficult to tell" if she could see the country shuttering again. She added there are preparations underway by the government if there is another wave, saying "we are preparing for that potential fall issue, both in (personal protective equipment) ... and vaccine developments so we can be ready if the virus does come back in a significant way," she said on ABC.
  4. I don’t know why Karen cares about Alyssa Milano either. We are doing the same procedure as you. My wife masks outside sometimes but I don’t. Yep. Science is science. The more people who wear masks when in groups, the lower the transmission.
  5. A different issue than why wearing masks works, but wearing a mask in a car can make sense if you don’t want to touch the mask extra times. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Neither you nor I know why they were wearing masks in the photo. Maybe they were about to go to a store. Maybe they wore them home from somewhere. Maybe they wore them in the car for reasons that make no sense. We
  6. We’ve been through it in studies and at a third grade level. It ain’t rocket science.
  7. Don’t wear a mask. It’s stupid and won’t help but that’s your thing. The science of this is beyond you Karen.
  8. You have no idea where they are or what they are doing. It’s where they took the pic. Is she some celebrity? Jesus who follows people like this besides KarenGal.
  9. I think you said your name is Karen earlier. Karen, You’re seeing the decorative portion of her mask. The filtered mask is under that. Why she has to decorate her mask with crochet is her own fashion decision that I could care less about. It is quite the crusade against science and common sense you’re keeping up just because you don’t like itchy things.
  10. Some people are not much for science. Even simple science.
  11. Do you see someone being forced to wear a mask in that video? I see a guy who has chosen to wear a mask getting chanted at. Are you still afraid of the rash of robberies that are going to break out because of masks? I think it’s safe to go out now.
  12. Hopefully this kind of crap doesn’t spread.
  13. Texas data make today's bad report suspicious. Something screwed up the Texas data today. Day-to-day data is not something to lose your mind over but yesterday was not a great day compared to Weds either. A trend to keep an eye on in the next week.
  14. Source: All PA counties including Philly area to move to at least "Yellow Phase" starting on June 4. Some PA counties moving to green (which means zero restrictions). https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-pa-pennsylvania-yellow-counties-reopening-philadelphia-20200522.html Wolf has been slow to move but he's getting the memo.
  15. Just tell me how I did. I see some guy in a T-shirt on YouTube and it appears he’s talking about one of the most successful people in immunology and vaccine development in the country. Did I predict it right that he thinks the super successful business guy and scientist is a bad guy for the job? You seem to hate the successful and scientists so I’m just taking a guess!
  16. I asked if you could confirm my prediction about the video without watching it: A massively successful immunologist and vaccine developer is the wrong guy to lead Project Warp Speed because something, something. I feel pretty confident that I got it right!
  17. Вам не нравятся успешные капиталисты и ученые, komrade.
  18. Let me guess: A massively successful immunologist and vaccine developer is the wrong guy to lead Project Warp Speed because something, something. Scientists and successful capitalists = enemies. Who should be in charge komrade? A guy on Youtube?
  19. I remember the last pastor who tried this. Maybe it's a test of which sect has the right answer?
  20. Alabama Covid hospitalizations.
  21. Bill Gates had made it one of his goals to eradicate polio. Working with others, he had gotten it down to perhaps less than 100, but it's been rising for a while, starting because of war/strife and education vaccines not getting through to the last holdout areas. Now it's rising more as a strange effect of the shutdown. Goes along with the rise of general diseases of neglect.
  22. Not true. Plenty of doctors and epidemiologists think we should be back to work. That's the point. They are way underrepresented in positions of political leadership.
  23. Graduation speech from yesterday given at the U of Arts and Sciences: Armed with the skill set comes from studies at the University of Sciences, many of you will become involved on the front line in this and future threats to public health. It’s not enough that this be some of your vocational pursuit. It must also be all of your civic duty. Even before the pandemic, we were experiencing an ignorance and debasement of science. The most pressing questions of our time...were too often being solved with ideology and not evidence. You want to know the 5 words I’d like to hear more often from elected officials: “What does the data say?" The pandemic has magnified the illogic of the status quo. Consider the career experience of the current United States Senate. Of the one- hundred “representatives,” only six report experience in science or medicine. Forty- nine have law degrees. There are just as many real estate agents and developers – five - as there are health care professionals. In a time when we need quick and correct action on matters of public health, only 5 percent of Senators have any experience working in it. It is no wonder when confronted with a pandemic our government “experts” turned to the experts in your fields for answers. How great it would be if the office holders were the experts!
  24. That's an assumed fallout (change) from this. Interestingly, I was in the market for new office space as this hit and even had some leases I was reviewing. I'm hoping to find a better deal now.
  25. A successful businessman in the pharma industry to lead Project Warp Speed. Oh no! Seems like Trump made a great choice to me.
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