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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. It seems like this is the first thing I've seen suggesting an effective late-stage treatment for Covid patients. I've been wanting to see data from the countries that opened schools before businesses. Looks great.
  2. Wait so vaccines work? Who knew? Census is the number to watch. Strange that it’s been rising as cases are level.
  3. If the horrible result comes, then let's talk. Until then, this is just data masquarading as bad news. Case counts have never been that reliable of an indicator of much. Same with % positive, which was just a rough approximation of an improving picture as test numbers increased.
  4. Remdesivir looks to at best just shorten the hospital stay. It'll probably end up being just one of the things doctors throw at more advanced cases. Definitely not the panacea based on these studies. The vaccines are where the promising work is happening.
  5. There are plenty of people still in hysterics but it's waning. Just hope it's in full retreat very soon. There's still plenty of fear to go around for those of you who want it. You can always pick another topic. Pick a thread any thread.
  6. Nothing. Distancing, hygiene, and masks make a HUGE difference. Well done. Let's open up!
  7. I don't know that these counts tell us a lot. Watch hospitalizations and deaths...while keeping only half an eye on case counts. The hospitalization data, however, blows chunks. If you've spent any time digging into the state hosp data, you know how horrible it is. It's strange because I have no doubt every hospital can tell you nearly instantly what their capacity and availability is and I'd think states could gather this. But they seemingly cannot do it consistently well. For PA, I've only seen the hospitalization data start to be clear in the last 10 days. Before that, there were still wild swings of hundreds of cases in and out depending on the data dumps.
  8. Sure he has. Sure he does. Care to explain this stupid and wildly wrong bit of fear porn prediction? The food is running out!!!
  9. That’s wildly loosely done, and even if you say none of his excess pneumonia deaths are Covid (a pretty bad assumption) his excess 2020 deaths are a smallish portion of the total excess deaths and it is not comparing the impact of shutdown-lives-saved vs shutdown-lives-lost, which would be a more appropriate comparison when measuring the impact of the shutdown on deaths. That guy has some pretty sloppy math at times, including the fact that in his own chart above, some of his numbers don’t even match! His twitter followers lap him up like he’s posting infallible assumptions. I applaud efforts though you have to question someone so sloppy.
  10. I’m still proud of you for quoting some source. It’s shut down our economy. I’m concerned about that in a big way as we all should be and remains my big concern about the virus. I’m watching the data to see if it will affect it further. Pretty much zero concern about the actual virus. If I get it, I’ll likely be ok. If not, oh well. We all cash out chips in at some point.
  11. You can post here if the above discussion is too fact intensive. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/forum/14-politics-polls-and-pundits/
  12. No one was talking to you but OK.
  13. Well June 9 is already up to 13 on backfilling the data but I don’t care if he keeps posting. He looks for a narrative and then finds facts to fit it. You can see that is his MO. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php Who doesn’t know that deaths are way down? Have you not noticed how many places are reopening?
  14. Do you think people living in high density housing got Covid after being exposed to no humans? Get some basic science. Just because some people can’t trace their exposure doesn’t mean they weren’t exposed. That Cuomo line got traction from a lot of people who latched onto Covid magical transmission and that was not the point. Your anti-mask stuff at this point makes you sound really ill informed. Not yet as bad as B-Gal but getting there.
  15. Just stuff to watch. "Texas previously saw record levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations this week, with 1,935 patients on Monday, 2,056 on Tuesday and 2,153 patients on Wednesday. On Wednesday, John Wittman, a spokesman for Gov. Greg Abbott, wrote in email that “every Texan who needs access to a hospital bed will have access to a hospital bed.” ...Friday, DSHS reported roughly 14,000 available hospital beds, about 1,500 intensive care unit beds and more than 5,800 available ventilators. Hospitalizations have been trending upward since late May, and have increased by 43.3% since the 1,511 patients hospitalized on Memorial Day. Before this week, the previous record for hospitalizations was on May 5 when 1,888 patients were hospitalized." It sounds there like there's a massive capacity for the governor to being considering putting off voluntary surgeries (again), this is getting attention for a reason. Sharp rises will open anyone's eyes. Hopefully this will level off but those severe spikes are reminiscent of the ones we saw in the northeast in April.
  16. Critical thinking is called for here. You don't go from 40-50 new hospitalizations a day for 3 months to suddenly one in one day. What happens in AZ is probably what happens in PA, and that is that the hospitalization data trails. You can't look at PA hospitalizations within the last 7 days--it's always very low, but gets filled in later. Just an FYI. That's a bunk number from someone not giving it a lot of thought.
  17. Tests surge and drop all the time but to hit almost 600K is incredible. I didn’t dive in on states but I do know that tests in PA today were a record high by 20%, which could be post Covid surge of tests taken and also some protest-delayed results (testing slowed during the protests because some places were shut down or not getting samples out as fast).
  18. What I'm saying is they didn't take the hit of that wave. What they did was amazing--nearly avoiding the wave altogether. I'm not saying we achieved herd immunity. Outside of maybe just NYC, the herd hasn't caught enough Covid to have much effect. I'm wondering something different: Could it be that there is a population that is more vulnerable to this, who gets hit hard and fast, and on reopening, there is not a second massive wave but just a steady stream of lesser-severity cases? We went from 0 cases sometime in late Nov.early Dec to 2000 deaths/day in March and April. You'd think that on reopening, going from hundreds of thousands of active cases, we would see a pretty decent rise in other countries, and quickly. But so far we are not. The data is still in progress but it's worth watching what is happening in Europe since they are ahead of us on reopening. And I discount the south and SW in the US--they are literally going through their initial wave now. People who don't think masks work are unlikely to be worth engaging in meaningful discussions. There are some no-mask advocates here and it boggles the mind.
  19. That’s a good answer but I don’t buy that Korea or Hokkaido ever had a legit first wave, since they both handled it so well. This is kind of my point: I’m not sure anyplace that got hit hard once has had a second wave. It’s just something to watch and I agree: 2 weeks is not a legit incubation period to see what happens.
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