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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. I had the same reaction to my negative result. I want my Covid dang it. In European countries, cases have dropped, deaths have followed. Here, we can see that happened too. Whether we will have cases rise and deaths drop or level remains to be seen. That would be a great result through! I read it last year. It's a bit of a dated book--anyone who finds its argument surprising isn't much of a discerning reader.
  2. It’s not possible for the sewage to leak into every thread is it?
  3. The number of New Yorkers testing positive for the coronavirus dropped below 1 percent to .96 percent, Cuomo’s office said Saturday. There were 73,262 tests conducted in the state with 703 positive results. The state reported 13 coronavirus deaths Friday and 908 people hospitalized with the bug, down 43 from the day before.
  4. Is that something you thought people didn't know? Both the EU and Canada are banning US travelers--Canada did it sooner and will likely keep it up. I was just relaying a personal anecdote about that. My parents are beside themselves--it's where they live most of the time and they are barred. First time ever.
  5. Who even notices when some poster disappears beside the drunk guy? EU confirms ban on US travelers. Bad bad news. My dad lives in Buffalo and has a house in Canada on Lake Erie that’s been in our family for 50 years. They live there most of the year and can’t get to it. May miss a lot more than the summer at this point.
  6. Critical 10x assumption may be invalid with more testing.
  7. This last point is really the key takeaway for me. No one knows what will happen here. All the people who are confident believe in vapors.
  8. Will see if rising cases lead to a spike in deaths. Most of the cases have just been diagnosed in the last few days.
  9. W T F ? The herd isn't close to immune, and Florida's number today is incredible. Texas is now starting to shut back down again, contrary to Magox's predictions that there wouldn't be any new shutdowns. Bars to close. Restaurants going back to 50% capacity. And that's in a Republican state.
  10. We will see how the states do with this spike and further whether they will be pee in the pool especially come the fall. The next few weeks of deaths data in those will tell an unmistakeable tale. Mid July we can quantify the effect of this case spike as like NYC (bad), a new thing where deaths don’t follow cases (amazing), or something in between. Now that’s how you do panic folks!
  11. An interesting commentary that could have a profit motive but Gov Abbott is pausing reopening and elective surgeries because...? And I agree that most hospitals operate with 85% bed capacity. That’s good business. When you get a surge of new cases, that 85 doesn’t stay level without disruption to the system in other ways.
  12. You're mixing apples and porcupines bringing up the flu compared to Covid. The flu mutates very fast and there are always many strains in the wild. The vaccines are usually aimed at just the anticipated top flu strains, nothing more. SARS-Cov is not like that at all. Far less mutation.
  13. Uh the IgG antibodies don't go away within weeks. The IgA ones do. And If you have a vaccine that gives you Covid IgG antibodies for a few months, you could--if nearly everyone (the present 90% of PPP posters excluded, ahem) gets a few cycles of the vaccine--control the spread of the disease in pretty short order. We can see in that initial study that different types of cases (asymptomatic vs symptomatic) were significant contributors to the length of time that the IgG antibodies were detected (which is not necessarily an indicator of the end of immunity). So it possible (but who knows) that a vaccine might provide longer immunity. But none of us knows how long the vaccine would be effective for--I am sure the studies are watching this closely.
  14. I'm not an immunologist so I can't say know but based on what I do know, I suspect not many. IgG is usually the key antibody to activate. @Hapless Bills Fanis not an immunologist but she has more chops than most here and is often willing to drop into this place for a learned moment. Can you weigh in on his question and give your thoughts on the study pasted awkwardly in a few posts above that posits that patients may lose their immunity to Covid-19 quickly? If you want to respond outside the conspiracy-zone and discuss the study on OTW, I respect that.
  15. Safe to say that most posters in this thread, when it came up earlier, said they would not take the vaccine. Some fear that Bill Gates is going to inject them with Microsoft Nanobots (TM). Others are afraid. Others say there's nothing to worry about. But definitely a wide majority. We need to be open. But with eyes wide. I don't put a lot of weight into that study until we see larger samples. I'm surprised we haven't seen more on this, although it's hard to get much of a view since we have so few confirmed patients from 6 months ago.
  16. It's not a large study and it has some testing weaknesses but if this turns out to be the case, it would suggest that the "let's go get herd immunity" is not going to work. I hope the IgG detection was flawed or not sensitive enough--the authors not that may be an issue. But they also note that other similar viruses do not always produce long term immunity. Come on vaccines.* *I know the use of vaccines offends many posters in this thread. I hope you change your minds.
  17. Somebody's gonna get fired for that report!
  18. I'm not sure your point about the Russia data. Do you want to cherry pick the data from an untrustworthy country to make some kind of point?
  19. I wonder who knows more about the TX hospitalization situation: You or Gov. Abbott:
  20. Sure, Russia's deaths/1M are 59. Ours are 376. If you believe diddly dick about the Russian numbers.
  21. Even when we get to 33M tests, we will not have tested 10% of the population. Lots of multiply tested folks in there. PA is 6th in deaths, 19th in testing. WTF? Get tested you dumb dingdongs. It ain't hard. I have done it. You open up, you get more cases. All you can do is hope people mask up and do their best to distance (whatever that means, but exercising some degree of good sense helps) and practice good hygiene. As long as we can get these friggin hospitalizations to level off, we will be OK. They are on really bad looking curves right now.
  22. PA deaths per tested positive have been high all along...but PA has one of the lowest testing rates of any state. It's an odd duck.
  23. It's not bias when you show what the people actually said. Not only that, they seem like they'd be at home in some of the threads here! ? Of course the crazy folks are getting views because they are crazy! If it bleeds it leads has a lot of corollaries, one of which is crazy conspiracy people make for amusing fodder.
  24. You can't go into any business in PA without a mask. I am sure other states are the same. The shape of the covid hospital curve in AZ is shi77y.
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