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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. "The scare story in Houston" ... on July 5, the Houston mayor had no idea where the peak would come. He just knew he was on an upwards exponential trajectory and he was rightly concerned at the time about that. Wouldn't you be concerned seeing your beds be taken at a rate like that? "Showing the exponential rise from May is totally misleading, since the point of the criticism is that MSM doesn't go back to follow up on the initial fear porn stories" is a great point, but the Clown-Tweet was showing a graph claiming that there was more or less no rise, which was nonsense. "if you show a graph from July 5 to today" ... WTF kind of kooky logic is this? If I show a graph from yesterday to today, it's also flat. The impact of Covid is noticeable over a period of time, especially the time that includes the rise, and eventual decline. During the rise, there is a concern about resources and spread. Is that some kind of revelation? When I point out mistakes in your Twitter paste data, you get really upset but never get into a discussion of the data. Why is that?
  2. I cited the actual hospital data to rebut some Twitter clown you quoted. I didn't cite CNN, the NY Times, or whatever "mainstream news" you're associating with my post. You attacked me personally for using the actual data. Is that what you want for PPP? To not cite and debate the actual source data?
  3. Did you read the statement by the mayor and look at the graph. On July 5, the mayor of Houston said "The number of people in our ICU beds has exponentially increased..." according to that Tweet. On July 5, that was correct. And...the graph that they guy tweeted was massively misleading.
  4. Socially distanced work environments, masks required (though not always enforced), hand sanitizing, no large groupings of employees in close proximity, etc. The lesson: We can be fully open if we are smart about it.
  5. Sorry I haven't been here to check the work of the "data" put out by the Twitter mob. Looks like a bogus graphic or some seriously manipulated measurement. The data from TMC (the largest Houston hospital system--one of the largest in the world), which has a lot of data online and was pretty easy to find, looks more like what reasonable people would expect. Bed usage did increase exponentially and it's now on its way down. Their website slices this data a lot of ways but no matter how you look at it, it tells the same story. Let's stop pretending this virus is a nothingburger at the same time we stop pretending it's the end of the world.
  6. You attack me personally but ignore his error and a discussion about the data. Kind of a pattern you have with my fact based criticisms. I’ve pointed out big chasm errors in his numbers before. He’s dumb or biased. Since agree with a lot of his numbers, I choose biased. You just have to check his work. He’s confidently sloppy.
  7. You look at the massive number of cases and think there was no spread among kids? It’s possible you’re right. Seems unlikely given the prevalence. Masks help reduce transmission. They didn’t use them so we will never know. Other countries with low case counts are reopening schools without spikes. We have to reopen schools, though some states are giving in to fear/panic and won’t. I can’t predict what the case trans implications will be. This camp is anecdote, not predictive data.
  8. Little effect on the kids (good), tons—stunning amounts— of asymptomatic transmission (bad). The camp had a no mask policy for kids. Lots of group singing and interaction. Fall school openings will be a moment to watch for community spread.
  9. Bad math by this guy again. He projects 439 deaths for the remainder of the year for people under 34. We’ve had 95 in the last two weeks. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-by-Sex-Age-and-W/vsak-wrfu I agree with his premise that the mental and physical toll from Covid lockdowns is worse than the disease but Berenson is consistently a propagandist. You need to always check his “work.” He’s been exposed multiple times, so I’d skip him as incredibly biased.
  10. Fear and panic? I think we should be fully open and should not have shut down except for NYC and maybe two weeks in the northeast when doctors were clearly not ready and needed a moment to prepare. But don't let a fact get in the way of your preconceived notions.
  11. Nationally, the decline might be just a little slower because some smaller population states are only rising now...my guess would be a steep drop in cases and hospitalizations over the next 3 weeks, maybe a little level, then the next drop. Deaths are still rising. Not sure how long it will take them to peak. Schools reopening may create some more cases this fall--that's the next data point that's uncertain to me.
  12. My point about decency is going over your head. You've gone right to the political points being scored, which is exactly what I am driving at. Let's try it this way: If you go review the Cain posts, you'll agree (as I do) that they are in poor taste, using someone's personal tragedy to score a political point. If you review the Lewis ones, you won't. Think about that.
  13. The point can be made on a different day in a different way. It was the exact same thing the other guy did with Cain’s death, where other elites and leaders followed another set of behaviors *that you agree with* to a different outcome. A bunch of posters liked your post so your post made my point about people caring about scoring the political point more than decency. Just don’t take the moral high ground on Cain if you won’t on Lewis. Cries of hypocrisy are weak arguments generally but such an obvious case just a few posts apart from the same guy was worth noting.
  14. This is a critical piece of recovery. Employers need some protection from lawsuits. If we're reopening into another 100K deaths, we can't have anyone who gets Covid suing their employer.
  15. You were just being the morality enforcer about a Herman Cain post and I agree with that. Now how about you let John Lewis's life be celebrated outside politics on the day that he's laid to rest? Decency takes some work, including the ability to set aside "let me score some political points off someone's death." Herman Cain was a good man, a good American. How he got Covid is irrelevant at this point; his is the story of 150K Americans: He got Covid and died. It's sad and he passed too soon. Lewis was a good man, a good American. How people celebrate his death is not relevant; his is the story of a civil rights icon and man for many to admire even if you disagreed with some of his positions. He's now passed. Erm. Trump has shown he's OK disregarding Fauci, who's a huge proponent of a national plan since the beginning. You can debate whether a national plan would have worked but Fauci isn't wearing the crown, Trump is.
  16. It's not part of the national dialog until the President of the United States suggests it. You admire the president of the United States for being a troll by threatening to delay elections. Others don't. I'll leave it there.
  17. As president, I suggest that he not suggest delaying presidential elections. Period. I can walk and chew gum. We should be nearly wide open on the economy.
  18. She got a test, it came back negative. Not Covid. The belief that she died from Covid-19 came from her husband. (Twitter was not consulted in diagnosing her with Covid.) That's a heckuva thing to applaud, especially since he has zero authority (not that he knows that).
  19. I am not looking for my president to troll America about messing with elections.
  20. Their protection from catching is indeed limited. And yet masks aren’t advocated for that, for the millionth time.
  21. Oh so the president of the United States didn’t bring up delaying elections because he only asked it as a question. Reassuring.
  22. "Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"
  23. The President of the United States should not be playing with the idea of delaying elections. Covid or not.
  24. So are we delaying the election for Covid as the president suggests?
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