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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Brett Favre begs to differ. At this point, Favre is the best comparison to the way Allen plays. It's not perfect but I am enjoying it. I watched a lot of the Chargers game. You know who didn't turn it over? Tyrod. Zzzzzzz
  2. The pass offense was exceptional.
  3. It’s not easy to get a run game going when the QB is in the shotgun almost every play and when you run from that set, the RB is often behind the QB. How do you start your RBs 7 yards behind the LOS and expect success? Jets have a great run D so I am not that worried but the sets were odd. If they were in a game with a lead vs a good team (Houston playoffs anyone?), establishing a running game would be critical.
  4. Those numbers are. 2 fumbles and leaving a wide open TD on the board late moves him out of A for sure. As a passer alone, he gets an A. But that's not the whole game.
  5. PPP is unlikely to change but TBD could by excising it. SDS feels PPP adds something so it’s not going anywhere and stays what it is until we change it.
  6. My theory has been that rising cases in Europe reflect a pretty successful corking and then uncorking. It was always going to come back. Definitely reduced Covid deaths waiting for better treatments during their shutdown, but long term pre vaccine probably won’t reduce cases much. Really bad news is their shutdown was awful and they may do it again.
  7. Cool. Not on any of the big names.
  8. They did the first two books in two miniseries and did a good job with the story and sets, though the effects were real bad. Definitely worth a watch, though you cannot stream it. Have to buy the DVDs. Hurt plays Leto so he’s the big name but not a huge role.
  9. I care about civility. Seems like a lot to ask that we be decent to each other. The shoutbox has been disabled for me for years. No interest in a running dialog. You’ll have to fill us all in on what upsets you about it.
  10. I go out all the time sorry. The virus doesn’t particularly stop me from living and we should be fully open.
  11. No thank you.
  12. You’re perhaps overly sensitive. The numbers were repressed for 3 days. They rebounded. That’s all.
  13. In 30 plus years of voting (old!), I voted for one Dem pres candidate. Left I’m not.
  14. I am just sharing what I was told. I don’t know about that or what he did. This mod told me that they don’t care what happens at PPP so you can do what you want and they don’t care. Makes PPP even worse.
  15. From moderators at TBD, no one cares what you do at PPP so have at it.
  16. The brief pause rewind, at least for me, worked VERY bad last year. Usually a few minutes after I've done a pause, I'd get a skip forward to the livestream (and miss the big 3rd and 15 conversion).
  17. Trying to make this story about Bob Woodward and Lindsay Graham is not working.
  18. I give him and many others a lot of leeway because this was new, and have said so, but Trump is on record in Feb and March saying it was 5x more deadly than the flu and air transmissible ... and in the meantime not taking active steps to get the country prepared for a pandemic ... and also holding multiple giant rallies. So there's that. If he got everyone worked up and nothing happened, he'd deserve some blame. What he did was minimal early on and lots happened. He deserves some blame. That's the burden of being the big man. When you make the wrong decision, you're accountable for it.
  19. Plenty of stupid mayors and one president of the United States was having rallies.
  20. I see you ignored my post, which is about Trump, what he said and believed, and how he acted and didn't. (We don't have a good number on that yet, but it's between 3-15x more deadly according to most studies...so Trump was in the range. )
  21. See above the things he could have been doing. And that's the short list from just some guy. Sure the Democrats were doing other things--Do you have them on record as saying they knew and did nothing? If yes, hold them accountable too. But we have got the president of the USA on record saying this virus is 5x more deadly than the flu (and believing it was killing young people too BTW), air transmissible ... and holding rallies.
  22. 1 - Get going on PPE distribution AND production. 2 - Prepare people to social distance. 3 - Signal to hospitals that they need to start paying a lot of attention to this and get treatments ready. 4 - Start Warp Speed. 5 - Stop holding giant Trump pep rallies when he already knew about how the virus was air transmissible and 5x deadly. Off the top of my head. His actions were wrong...his knowledge as you can see from the tape was not. HE KNEW and wait for it: He's the president.
  23. Trump said he knew it was 5x more deadly than the flu and he knew it was airborne! Can you not hear what he said? This isn't a secondhand report. It's recorded.
  24. That #HeKnew it was more deadly and contagious is not as newsworthy as that #HeKnew it was more deadly and contagious and did nothing except downplay it until it was far too late ( and even then continued to downplay it). We can't know how different NYC would have been if it had proper PPE and a ready population prepared in a united response, but they could have seen something more akin to the fatality rate we're seeing today. I don't fully fault Trump for this but he is POTUS and he says he knew it was 5x more fatal than the flu and more contagious. (Did Tucker really shoot Lindsay Graham and Bob Woodward over this? WTF happened to that guy? He used to be a pretty solid minded commentator.) Sorry--this topic is in two places so I am pulling my response here. You don't choose your leadership stances based on "people won't listen." You choose them based on, I hope, "This is important and I--as your sworn leader with a duty to protect you--need to convince you to listen." Leaders lead. They don't shrug.
  25. Again, the issue is that he knew how serious it was in *early February* and not only downplayed it, he did nothing to prepare his country for it before it hit hard. I’d say that’s a yuge failure of leadership. Keeping calm is good. Doing nothing is bad. “Encouraging optimism” didn’t have us preparing for a pandemic. Heavy lays the crown and all that. This is a stellar report given the holiday. See if there’s bleed into tomorrow’s numbers.
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