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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. NYC is a terrible example. Covid hit the most densely packed city in America before we had any idea how to treat or distance. The NE cities of Philly, Boston and NYC are tough to compare with Houston. Better comparisons are with CA cities that locked down and Southern big cities.
  2. His dance notwithstanding, it's sad that his death resulted from an ill-advised rally and his more ill-advised attendance thereof. The lesson I hope his death carries is that if you're at risk and don't want to get Covid, stay home.
  3. Our deaths per capita is right in line with Europe, including southern Europe that shut down AND had mask compliance. And we're in some ways worse per capita than northern Europe that had less mask compliance!
  4. Not sure if this is true. We might have had a spike sooner.
  5. They are higher. That’s how we measure there’s a pandemic. This CDC chart shows the pandemic level (orange line) vs observed, with the + indicating weeks showing deaths in excess of defined pandemic levels. *** In other news, good article highlighting how Europe is adopting the Republican approach to the virus finally. Imagine this world...Dems mock the Euros and Reps follow them. Having abandoned hopes of eradicating the virus or developing a vaccine within weeks, Europeans have largely gone back to work and school, leading lives as normally as possible amid an enduring pandemic that has already killed nearly 215,000 in Europe. The approach contrasts sharply to the United States, where restrictions to protect against the virus have been politically divisive and where many regions have pushed ahead with reopening schools, shops and restaurants without having baseline protocols in place. The result has been nearly as many deaths as in Europe, though among a far smaller population. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/15/world/europe/coronavirus-europe.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article
  6. Astray Zeneca resumed its trial in the UK but the NIH remains unconvinced that it can proceed here. A story to watch.
  7. "Win now" and importantly, "Help the young QB on his rookie contract now" too.
  8. I noticed Diggs several times talking to teammates. The Bills got a leader in him.
  9. Here's the Tweet and the references are in a thread there. His case counts are wrong--not just dated but he's pulling at least in one example, the wrong data. Also most of the Tweeter's sources DO NOT identify if college kids were hospitalized so the data is not verified or verifiable. I know because my alma mater is on this list and so is another school I watch and neither one publishes hospitalization data. Not a good source but I still believe it's true that college kids are doing just fine.
  10. I thought you were talking about Cain! I still think you should be on his ignore list because I was noting that I liked the guy and he decided to ignore me, and you should be there just because he seems like the kind of guy who must ignore anyone.
  11. Ah--who were you talking about?
  12. You brought up Herman Cain and this guy put me on his ignore list. I felt like Wally Cleaver getting in trouble for Eddie Haskell's antics.
  13. You got me put on some guy’s ignore list!
  14. It's like no one remembers the MANY calls that the Bills should start Reich, Levy was over the hill, etc. Fans gonna fan.
  15. Seriously. Bills fans are actually complaining that a win wasn't dominant enough? WTF?!?
  16. It's not counterproductive from a sensibility perspective for states to be ready to distribute the vaccine this year. I 100% gaurantee stories are are coming about vaccines sitting on shelves not getting to people. We don't want those stories. Sure. Now open schools. Scary headline but DeMarinis became ill last month before kids returned to class, but had been to her classroom preparing for the school year, Heissenbuttel said. I don't want anyone to die from Covid but kids need to be in school.
  17. Me too and agreed. The issue we have is one of stupidity (let's keep it all closed the sky is falling we're doomed) vs stupidity (there's nothing to worry about and this is a fake virus). My personal take: Everything should be open, we should all take reasonable precautions, and especially strict precautions regarding at risk folks. The end. But the extremes make reasonable discussion impossible.
  18. Doubt it. The mods seem to be doing a good job flushing threads and if the handful of posters here go up there and cause trouble, they will get banned. Covid will do that. The Covid thread here is more active than the OT one.
  19. And yet, colleges are all the headline rage and more keep shutting down. Infuriating for this parent of a college freshman who is attending online.
  20. Glad you brought this up. Roberts was a difference-maker today. The return game was excellent.
  21. When the point is that the person deserved better than to have his death be a story because they attended an event that is in the news, I differ. Make sure you get Meazza on ignore too since he brought him up. I applaud your sensitivity. We could use more people as soft as you here.
  22. Herman Cain deserved better. I liked that guy.
  23. I’d say we can dispense with the “Trump never downplayed it” argument.
  24. Agree that Allen looked great. The Jets are one of the dumpster fire teams this season. No one credible thought they’d be good.
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