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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Taking steroids now. That’s a pretty serious thing to do for a mild case. Hang in there Mr President. Dropping 3% with Covid gets a lot of attention.
  2. Oh OK did it make you feel good to call me a name you wouldn’t in person? It just seems like it was about his last post and if that’s not a mod edit then he was poking a mod. Well if that’s not the reason, he still ran afoul of Masterblaster. I can’t say that I care why all that much.
  3. All this and it sounds like DR was suspended once and then did the same thing again. Actions have consequences. It was not that hard for him to *not* get banned especially here. But if you really want to get banned, you can do it. Who run Barter Town DR? Alaska Darin is my understanding.
  4. By the way I just noticed this earlier. This appears to be the post that got him banned. One too many bits of fake “information” posted under the all-forgiving “FYI” disclaimer. Or the guy who owns it is. Big difference.
  5. And still I’ve never insulted you. I wish you the best and miss my visits across the border a ton.
  6. The board is full of memes. The guy just banned retweeted a billion a day and then...one too many. Agreed that it’s brain dead behavior.
  7. Is there a rule here that we can’t expect better? I’m a poster. I’m. Human. So are you friend. Happy to have a beer anytime. The gang is gathering on another site called Parler it seems so if you want to chat there, you still can. Some mod here decided to clean up a doctored Epstein related post (I didn’t see it, just the banning note) and everyone is in a tizzy. Sounds like there is a place where you can see that meme if you want. Here you can’t. Truth. He got banned for posting a doctored Epstein related meme of some sort it seems. Pretty on brand and it must have finally gotten to be enough for someone. I think it’s in the deep state thread. FYI.
  8. Can you add more than this? If you’re happy a few posters who campIgn and bully got banned, why not celebrate that by posting better content yourself?
  9. Yep especially given his opponent has the same issue if not more so.
  10. No one is beneath any of us brother! We are all friends and fans of a football team. Let’s crush the Raiders and hope McFrazier figures out the run D.
  11. Thanks for the laugh before bed. I’m sure TBD can survive a banning.
  12. You can do whatever you want. Turns out someone here would like to raise the standard and it’s someone with some power. Debate him/her. I support the effort to make this a more civil community. If you don’t, I guess it’s on you. If PPP disappeared tomorrow, would you be OK? My guess is you’d be mad for a day, troll until banned maybe on the other board and move on. Would the entirety of TBD be more like what the founder envisioned? Only a question he can answer. But why can’t we talk here like we would in person and not like internet tough guy jagoffs, the culture of which has not lead to anything particularly positive in human relations. Night all. Long day hiking in the ADKs. Driving home tomorrow but thank you scheduling gods for the 4pm kickoff.
  13. I am here. I hope it can be better. Horrible, isn’t it to think we can make a place better?
  14. Your standard for adult is anonymously insulting strangers on the Internet. Cool bro.
  15. I support our American president in many things. I don’t want him censored or canceled. This is a private club. It’s better now IMO. Go chat on Twitter and you can say every thing you want. Have a blast. Different communities different standards.
  16. My feelings weren’t hurt but your obsession with my emotional state is creepy. A bully got banned. Bravo.
  17. Let’s check back in 2 weeks and see if life has moved on. I think that guy got banned before and the board somehow survived. Well done mods and good luck. Flush the whole thing and the world will spin on its axis as long as Josh stays Covid free.
  18. Nope. Anyone can disagree. Not everyone can be civil here.
  19. Is that you, whining?
  20. No, I never called for a poster to be banned yet clearly he’s the driver of the PPP bully/campaigning culture. My wish is that we’d all be more civil and this place could remain a positive reflection on TBD. But PPP has not seemed to be able to help the TBD community positively IMO. Maybe stronger moderation will encourage better behavior. The campaigners and crap posters can go hang on Twitter.
  21. Well done moderators! That will bring some amount of civility to the place.
  22. I'm not sold on masks, though I wear one indoors in public settings, but maybe we can stick to more credible medical organizations than AAPS.
  23. That says he deserves it even more.
  24. That’s not what we are discussing. This is.
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