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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Any team can have a bad game in one aspect but the Bills D is consistently terrible. It's their identity, especially run D.
  2. This is #5. He should stop IMO. It's not worth it.
  3. The Ravens would run for 400 yards against them. It's a huge problem, though maybe with a healthy Wallace and Milano in future games, they can commit more to stopping it.
  4. I dunno. The run blocking was much better today. Could just be Mongo's return but I have always thought Morse was more athletic than strong on the run.
  5. The beyond burgers are good and not the same approach as the impossible burgers. I still eat meat but I enjoy the beyond burgers on the grill. They have come a looooooong way on veggie burgers in the last 5 years. They were borderline inedible then. Now with just the normal condiments, the texture matches and taste approximates the real thing. My 70 year old meat eating father in law has been eating with us every night since March and we eat beyond meat and gardein products at least once a week in tacos, chili, stew, sloppy joes, buffalo fingers, spaghetti sauce...he's never noticed the difference and in those contexts, you'd really only notice side by side. We also eat normal meat sometimes. And sometimes we just eat veg (mostly Indian).
  6. Not in season. Bills have very little room to pick up a new contract with money due this year.
  7. I don't see the Jets trading him to the Bills but a 3rd is a high price for a guy who has sucked most of the year until last weekend. And Phillips was not playing at a high level pre-injury--he has no value post injury...he's been a healthy scratch! I hope he recovers and plays great but in a trade, he's zero added value.
  8. 8 drives ended on Bass's foot, 1 a fumble inside the 30 or maybe even 20. Not nearly as bad as the score indicates. Also, Kroft tripped on the 20 yard line paint.
  9. Eagles fans say “Go Birds.” Bears fans say, “Bear down.” No doubt others too.
  10. The goal of the media is to make every problem your problem. The goal of social media/24 hour news cycle is to make every problem your URGENT problem. Before the Internet, you only got your news from 5-6. The rest of the day, you lived your life. Go live your lives 23 hours a day people!
  11. They lost last night to the SB champs. If the defense holds on the final drive, Bills get a chance for a game winning drive. If that knee wasn’t down, it’s a short field. If Bass makes the FG, they are within 6 with 90 seconds to go. As badly as they got mauled on defense, they were actually in the game. The time of possession destroyed them.
  12. We got a late drive yesterday. Then our D gave up a back breaking 65 yard clock grinding FG drive that clinched the game. Allen had 4 second half drives? One in garbage time? He was a bit off but dropped the bombs perfectly. One was dropped the other a stellar pass break up. I think the Singletary misfire was a route confusion. Watch it again and Josh thinks he's breaking up field into space. Unless Josh can play defensive line and get himself 14 more minutes of possession, he's not in my worry list. Two Bills losses vs teams a combined 10-1. Get back to work.
  13. Before we anoint the Dolphins, their wins are vs Jets, Niners, and Jags. Get back to me after they beat the Raiders and Rams.
  14. Regarding 6 it was White not Norman. Those penalties were terrible and undisciplined. Belichek benches you for crap like that. On another note, if that knee wasn't down, Bills have a chance to go up late vs the SB champs. As badly as they played, it was not out of reach like Titans game.
  15. shoshin

    Hulu Live

    It was on Fox on Hulu for me.
  16. Among the names being floated for possible Biden Cabinet posts are Meg Whitman, the CEO of Quibi and former CEO of eBay, and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, both of whom spoke at August’s Democratic National Convention. Massachusetts GOP Gov. Charlie Baker and former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) have also been mentioned, as has former Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.), who resigned from Congress in 2018 and became a lobbyist.
  17. Happy not to blame Bass but if he makes that, the Bills are driving for a potential win at the end.
  18. Down 9 with 90 seconds to go and no timeouts. Yes. It was a forced throw.
  19. I bet American Families will be economic in nature and It's probably a relatable way to frame the economic issue. she's not going to be focused on divorce and marriage in that section.
  20. Everyone should be welcome here. Why would you drive any single player away for expressing an opinion unless they are being uncivil or just trolling with memes? If people want to leave, that's their right but creating further echo chambers, one here and the alt-Q one there, only leads to less compassion and ability to listen.
  21. He never would have said hello to those two guys because they wouldn't have gotten near him.
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