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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Me too. We fight over such stupid stuff in a time of unmatched peace and prosperity.
  2. It'd be good if the Rs retain control of the Senate. It will force the parties to work together or expose those who won't.
  3. Only significant name so far is Ron Klain, well known to Biden as his Chief of Staff as VP. Who is Ron Klain? He served as chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1989-92 when Mr Biden was chairman. He was also an adviser and speechwriter on Mr Biden's unsuccessful 1988 and 2008 White House campaigns. Mr Klain served as chief of staff to Mr Biden from 2009 to 2011, the first few years of Mr Biden's tenure as vice-president in the Obama White House. He later served as President Obama's "Ebola czar" during a minor outbreak of the deadly disease in 2014. More to come but his leadership team needed a placeholder.
  4. Trump is a problem but he had a more-than-willing dance partner in a Dem Congress (and voters) who opposed him at every turn and refused to accept his presidency. The problem with Trump, which I think will be less so with Biden, is that he was belligerent and lied about so much (starting with his inauguration crowd, which now seems so minor in the wave of all his lies) that he just showed himself to be beyond compromise. Biden has his work cut out for him to heal the divide. The best he can do is get a few easy wins together with Rs, where both parties can share the credit for America. But he will have his bad moments too and McConnell will as well.
  5. I think SDS should shut it down if it draws horrible behavior, yes. Many of the big name callers have left but many remain. Still worth shutting down IMO but I guess we will see where it lands now that there’s a new politics site/echo chamber out there. This page was lightly to almost barely moderated. That crew left because of a rare moment of moderation against a guy who challenged the system. Then everyone left because the near-un-moderation here turned out to be a human who thought some of the conspiracy stuff was nuts...but still almost never intervened. The other place when I visited a few weeks ago and from what gets posted here seems to have vocal and active moderators who threaten to delete posters, posts, and threads. Freedom! Instead of running off bad behavior here and engaging in discussion at a higher level, the crew who departed lived on insults and attacks at PPP. They contributed to the problem, but never seemed to see that. It was always someone else’s fault. No doubt it’s rainbows and unicorns there. For a while. Turns out it’s not easy to moderate, as I expect they will find.
  6. A good attempted demonstration of my point, bravo for effort. But that’s just name calling, not an example of hypocrisy. Good effort!
  7. Yawn. Sure. Trump just dropped his poll watcher arguments in PA so he’s running out of ammo though.
  8. Cries of “Hypocrisy!” are the currency of winning arguments on the Internet. But they are not actually a way to win an argument. Better to use Facts, logic, reason.
  9. He played through injury and has been good despite that. He was excellent yesterday. The first long Hopkins pass was in zone with white not on him. The bomb was just a great play by one of the best WRs in football. No one of 3/4 guys made the play needed there but I’m not blaming tre.
  10. FYI: You are here.
  11. How many of you Biden voters are going to spend the next 4 years in Biden hats? Anyone?
  12. No better way to combat COVID than another round of golf.
  13. What is it that you think will happen to stop Biden from taking office?
  14. The anti maskers make a pseudoscience against masks because they don’t think the government should be allowed to mandate them. It is just more narrative back fitting. You can be against government mandates and support mask wearing. On the flip side are many who see rising hospitalizations and deaths and blame anti maskers. You can believe in the effectiveness of masks but admit they only play a part in controlling things, ie, they are far from panacea.
  15. That herd immunity and “no place will see a second rise” thing that I and others discussed in the late summer: It’d be nice if we were right about it. Say it with me: Fauci was right. The echo chamber seekers who left and I were wrong. We were hoping to fit data to a preferred narrative. Too bad the snowflakes aren’t here to melt along with me and admit how wrong we were and why. I definitely thought I was right. Turns out I’m just a numbers guy. Not an epidemiologist. I wonder what all the Twitter guys who Magox loved are saying now. Alex something was his hero, even though I showed that “Alex” was wrong a bunch of times.
  16. I know some guys who would run with this conspiracy if this info related to Twitter. That being said, that article is like a lot of what they used to post here about the deep state conspiracy junk. A bunch of conjecture and narrative fitting. Extremely light on evidence.
  17. His number is 10x too low. It’s .5% in GA.
  18. Keep trolling. He's just a troll. Stop letting him catch you.
  19. Choosing not to bet is not a measure of manhood. But taking a bet and not delivering on that bet is. Recount where it's possible and legal. But there's no history of recounts coming anywhere near close to overturning a gap this wide or even close. And there's also asking for validation and baseless stuff like this from POTUS. "“DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DATA ANALYSIS FINDS 221,000 PENNSYLVANIA VOTES SWITCHED FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP TO BIDEN. 941,000 TRUMP VOTES DELETED. STATES USING DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS SWITCHED 435,000 VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN”" FOX News is the new enemy. Now it's OANN and Newsmax or random guys on Twitter.
  20. But I saw it on Parler!
  21. If court cases show massive election fraud that overturns this election, that would be tragic but yes: I would accept that. So far there are not even complaints adding up to enough allegations of election fraud to overturn a single state. So.
  22. He predicted we would set new record lows in Sept/Oct and no place would see second rises. He was, umm, strident, in his predictions. I thought the same. i was wrong. Fauci was right. Magox is MIA.
  23. He’s not just challenging and requesting an audit. He has said that he won multiple times. That there is evidence of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast. He is not merely asking for more data. He’s staying his hope as fact, with as yet no evidence of widespread fraud. From the office of POTUS. Without ensuring the transition begins, a process he could always stop.
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