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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Back to 2000 deaths a day. Wonder where we will top out. If we get 20-40M people dosed in December, that will make a huge impact, because they should be the highest risk folk. Still no plan for distribution from the administration. depends on the border. Jersey borders the highest Pa population base and it masks well. Masks help but they don’t make as big of a difference as the virtue signaling would make you think. The economy should be open especially schools but at the same time, we should all be distanced where possible. Work from home if you’re can. Don’t have parties. Etc. We are close to the other side of this mess.
  2. Why not just enjoy good news or does everything go through a party lens?
  3. Not what she said but congratulations on making good news into petty politics.
  4. Great news. Pfizer to apply for approval within days. 170 out of 44,000 patients in the study got Covid. Of those 170, 162 had received the placebo. Excellent excellent news!
  5. Invited several of them publicly and privately to have a beer including and especially DR. Met with only insulting responses in the last year. Sad indeed... I thought there were certain maxims like bros before hos and bills before politics. But somehow political adversaries are a blood "enemy" in social media world. People just refused to be decent and human online, saying things they would not say in person.
  6. On the administration's leadership regarding vaccine distriistribution. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/18/covid-vaccines-december-states-437168 The clown car is getting ready for action.
  7. Well said and guilty as charged.
  8. @TH3 here is a more informative explanation about why DR got banned. His disciples left because SDS banned him and one created the new politics board. I take it that everything is civil over there and everyone is welcome in the echo chamber, except Transplant!
  9. It’s a single agenda politics site with some football talk. Could be the only one of its kind!
  10. Pretty much what is happening now. OK so your statement had no factual basis. Cool.
  11. I support this to a point as well, but not at the expense of tanking hospital systems. Why do you "think" the vaccine is fake?
  12. The miracle benefits of hydrochloroquine really fell off once Florida and Texas got smashed, didn't they?
  13. Anyone have a link to Rudy's evidence of 600,000 cases of voter fraud? Or is that in the same place as Trump's 5,000,000 fraudulent Hillary votes from 2016? I like to keep a file.
  14. Any easy way to track the number of pasted tweets before and after the exodus? I bet that would be a notable data point. Also the use of insult words that skirt the filter.
  15. Sweden was always in some stage of lockdown, with a society that believed more in social responsibility. But their cases are rising quickly. Another way many of us were wrong looking at their numbers.
  16. Gates (Fauci as well) discussing where we are in a casual conversation. https://open.spotify.com/show/4LUx6oYWDzNYRBhSF7T7cX?si=ymVNRaIuR2CrXP4wF9pNVw
  17. Who doesn’t?
  18. Some is copying his posts? I assume that’s a joke but I’m not going there to audit.
  19. This makes me think of an old campaign slogan. You may be too young to remember it. The candidate ran on a platform of turning back the clock on progress. His slogan was “Make America Great Again.”
  20. One guy broke the rules in a personal call out thread, got suspended. Then broke them again on purpose, got banned. SDS’s explanation of that included his personal beliefs where he explained that he disagrees with all the Q style nonsense here but he let it be anyways...until that one guy pushed him. Maybe at the other site there are no rules, no one gets banned, posters can say anything. Their moderators are on easy street baby. Do they even have them?!?
  21. They could barely make out the holding call on the replay. The faintest jersey grasp as the defender tried to break the block and that's it.
  22. Knox is the backup to Kroft. Kroft got wiped out by Norman's covid.
  23. It's charm like this that makes my argument for why PPP doesn't positively contribute to TBD.
  24. (Credit to the people who made the breakthrough, speaks of "us," thankful for the hard work and sacrifice of others) vs. (Attacks vague people out to get him, credit to me me me me me)
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