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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. Merry Christmas season PPPers. I look forward to a time when the scenes shown here are again the norm, and we remember the lesson in the words.
  2. That is a massive re-write on the history of this thread. Look back in the summer and it's post after post by people--including me--saying that we thought there'd be no second wave. That we were bottoming out and the winter would at best see a light rise (to the mockery of many). Magox quoting Alex Berenson every other day. No, Fauci and many others predicted things would get a lot worse. Many of us, including our president "it's going to go away" were very wrong. Let's not pretend that "everyone" predicted this. Most on the right did not. Infectious disease experts, as reported by the media, did.
  3. Trump wasn’t holding U40 events, but keep playing dumb.
  4. Here was the question: Do you think we should minimize the virus and encourage big events?
  5. To top it all off, Wood added a doctored image of the Georgia state officials donning masks with the Chinese flag printed on them, writing that Trump is “a genuinely good man” who “dislikes putting people in jail, especially ‘Republicans.'” Trump, apparently not turned off by the egregious claim, retweeted the post — shocking pundits on both sides of the political aisle: You'll see no criticism here from those of The Departed who occasionally still frequent this board.
  6. Do you think we should minimize the virus and encourage big events? My friend Lehnard won't answer simple questions like this: How about you?
  7. Absolutely so did I. Even more so than the one earlier this year that I also thought was good. They didn't review it and Trico was quick to say the ref looked at it from the best angle but I don't know. I'd like to see a better angle.
  8. Don't you think that a reporter would love to break this story open if there's a good story to be had? If there's a story--a legitimate one--it will come out. Based on little other than what I've seen, Cuomo is not a guy without plenty of enemies who would love this story to take him down if it's got legs.
  9. Is it a story like "the Steele Dossier is a fraud on which to overthrow a president" or a story like "the election was a fraud on which to overthrow a democratic election?"
  10. Plenty of Democrats have been taken out by accusations of harassment. If there’s a story here, we will know about it.
  11. Yup. If the standard is that every accuser gets their day, let's hear from her. To the poster who said, "if you're harassed, just quit" as if that's the only response there should be for sexual harassment, I hope the women you know are more empowered than that.
  12. You sound just like the Q-army. You get that right? On January 21, Biden will be president. Trump's supporters are the ones I worry about since many of them do not accept democracy any more.
  13. Funny thing: The person who recommended it is my friend from Sweden. He messaged me telling me that his family was enjoying it and assumed I knew all about it. It's a story I was too young to remember. When I told my mom about it, she said, "I lived that miniseries. F*** Phyllis Shaffley." Hahaha. Will check it out.
  14. If someone uses a prefix in a setting, it should be the right one. But people who run around insisting on “doctor” are obnoxious. Mostly a thing of the past.
  15. Noting that the only Rs calling this out AND leaving the party over it are all leaving office. Such bravery. Tell me again it’s not about power and how all those supporting Trump are Patriots. I also see an element of people terrified to admit they were wrong and admit error these days. People are more afraid admitting they were wrong than actually being wrong. You can have supported Trump once upon a time but see what he attempted to do here as abhorrent.
  16. Ok bye again, again.
  17. No. She earned the degree so she’s not in Cosby’s ridiculous club of being called doctor. That’s an entirely different planet of obnoxiousness. This I agree with. If you have to address someone, choose the right prefix. Speaking of prefixes, the historical miniseries Mrs America was stellar.
  18. You could have just said, “No, not possible.”
  19. You sound like a Q ding ding making predictions based on nothing that don’t come to pass but just make another one for two weeks from now. Stop.
  20. Trump’s maskless rallies and consequences thereof. The president has to meet people. The president has to travel. The president does not have to have parties and giant rallies with minimal protections in place. I wonder if Bailey got the Regeneron cocktail that Trump got for himself, Rudy, and Christie.
  21. Is it possible for you to criticize Trump without whataboutism or dodging? Not on the laughable election court challenges. Not on calling state legislators to send slates of electors that would betray voters. Anf not on Trump holding rallies in a pandemic.
  22. Whataboutism. So you supported the Russia investigation then? It was allowed after all.
  23. All he has to do is follow the recommendations set by scientists and not host giant rallies. Do you believe because of everything on his plate, he forgot this? What...with 3000 Americans dying per day and all? Just slipped his mind?
  24. Trump could have lead by example. He chose to do the opposite of what was recommended by every scientist and send mixed messages on how to control this. If there are 100M people vaccinated by June, yes, we would see a massive drop in numbers. We should see massive drops long before that if we immunize the elderly and at risk by March.
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