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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. A nice feature of the UFL was the introduction of locally stationed Army personnel at each game. They would chat with a soldier or two at each game. As an Army veteran, I thought that was very cool.
  2. What Meltdown? Southwest Flew On Time All Day @SinceThe70s From the Forbes article: " A story on the website govtech.com on Friday asked the question, “Why isn’t Southwest affected by the CrowdStrike/Microsoft outage? “That’s because major portions of the airline’s computer systems are still using Windows 3.1, a 32-year-old version of Microsoft’s computer operating software,” the website said. “It’s so old that the CrowdStrike issue doesn’t affect it so Southwest is still operating as normal. It’s typically not a good idea to wait so long to update, but in this one instance Southwest has done itself a favor.” "
  3. I saw John Mayall at UB on The Turning Point tour. After so many years of Bluesbreakers variations, this band had no drummer! 4 piece band with acoustic guitar, electric bass, sax/flute, and Mayall. An incredible sound, and a great show. Rest in peace.
  4. I have only seen those women in the Smudge memes.
  5. Southwest Airlines was up and running, unaffected by the Crowdstrike outage. Why? Because they were using Windows 3.1 which was not affected by the outage. Yes, a 30+ year old version of Windows. I thought that was hilarious.
  6. Rest In Peace, Lou. He is among the very few in that news business that seemed trustworthy.
  7. Rest In Peace, Bob. My dad was a big fan, too.
  8. That is not even remotely funny. How can you have such disrespect for our neighbors?
  9. There is weird rule that Montreal has discovered. The player kicks the ball forward at least one yard, retrieve it himself, and it resets to first down. Very strange, maybe a loophole in the rules. I forget what they call the play, but Montreal RB Antwi has executed it successfully. It’s a fun league.
  10. Sure, Paul Maguire and Mike Sestak owned a restaurant in Kenmore. The great CB Butch Byrd worked as a mechanic at a Chrysler dealer. Different times. I like the fact that the CFL is not a bunch of millionaires.
  11. If you enjoy watching the CFL, most games will be available at https://www.cfl.ca/plus/ If the game is not shown on CBS-Sports network, it will be streamed at this site. There is no pausing or rewind available. If you do not enjoy watching the CFL, please take your sour comments somewhere else. Thanks. CFL Plus - streaming CFL games
  12. Many famous people, who have publicly “died”, have actually gone into the federal witness protection program.
  13. Some people just can't help pissing on other people's corn flakes. If it's not a bunch of millionaires playing football, they can't enjoy it. But they don't want YOU to enjoy it either. So they come into the UFL thread just to let you know they are better than that. Like "Don't give me that baloney, I want NFL"
  14. An uncle I never met died on a Navy ship off Normandy two days after D Day.
  15. Thanks. Shades of Chris Hogan, eh?
  16. Who is the lacrosse player they signed?
  17. RB Christian Wade had to wait for his blockers to be BEHIND him. I don't see that as a problem for a OG/OT. Perhaps we can give this guy a chance before dismissing him.
  18. I remember Joe’s character Rocco, who was a thug trying to learn about the finer things, like Modern Art. Modigliani... Mode-a-GLEENY?
  19. Any blood stains on it? Provenance, you know.
  20. Some “fans” don’t even watch the rest of the league play their games.
  21. I really enjoyed SCTV for many years. Joe played a lot of great characters. The Shmenge Brothers was a favorite, but it was Eugene Levy playing polkas with John Candy. Each brother pronounced Shmenge in a different way.
  22. Rest in peace I just posted a song about dying in the music thread. It is beautifully done, nothing morbid. Iris Dement - When My Morning Comes Around
  23. There has been some threads about dying - the Hospice Nurses, and WhoTom threads. This song talks about when your time comes, and I think it is beautifully done.
  24. Has there been a new NFL stadium built that did NOT requires PSLs to be purchased? I hated the PSL idea when I first heard it decades ago. It still sucks.
  25. There is an excellent book called Embraced by the Light by Betty J Eadie. She tells the story of how she endured the process of dying, but returned from it. It can very comforting to read about this for family members who have lost someone. It is available in paperback, and you may even find it in a used books store. Interesting, too, is that she is Catholic, because church teachings never seemed to address any topics about death.
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