God bless Logan and his family. May they find peace and recover from this tragic event.
My daughter recently lost a baby who had lived a few days. Sometimes It is hard to figure what God is thinking.
There was a recent article (sorry, forgot where it was, perhaps WGR or WKBW sites) which stated Streater could rejoin the Bills around Thanksgiving time frame.
It was talking about when exactly that 6 week period begins. It was not 6 weeks from his release date, though, as we would normally expect.
Good idea! Beth's voice is painful to listen to, and Rex adds very little to the broadcast.
Rex ought to be sued for grand larceny (stealing $$$ from Bills).
If you have made it as far north as the Charlotte area, there is a Bills bar at Exit 25 of I-77:
Taste of Buffalo Pizzeria 9610 Sherrill Estates Rd Huntersville, NC 28078
This is a few miles North of Charlotte.
That leaves South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana as "the south."
Oops, you forgot to include South Dakota in the list.
Sorry, Kirby, but that is a pretty goofy assessment of "What is the South". Based on SEC or not? Duh.
I have been living in NC for 2+ years now, and it is definitely "the South" despite all the Northern transplants due to jobs here.
Missouri is "the South without the hospitality".
Thanks for that. I will have to check in at game time to make sure it is on the channel listed.
James Wilder Jr. looked good for the Argos until he fumbled late in the game.
After looking great against Hamilton, the Argos looked pretty average against the BC Lions.
I had recorded the scheduled Winnipeg @ Sask game - big Canada Day celebration and brand new Sask stadium, but when I played it, there was a college baseball home run derby. What a ripoff from ESPN.
Fargin' bastage ESPN.
Ladler is now with Edmonton, and he did pretty well this past weekend.
Our old friend Justin Rogers is with Hamilton, and got toasted by the great WR SJ Green, who had 125 yards at one point for Toronto.
TJ Graham - wow, he is still working at his craft.
Here is a link to all CFL rosters:
Tonight's Calgary @ Ottawa game features a few ex-Bills (mostly just training camp guys)
76 Landon Cohen DL
28 Javier Arenas DB
82 Jarrett Boykin WR
I'm kind of torn between Hamilton and Toronto, and root for those guys unless they are playing each other.
Quite seriously, I think they are named for the red and black plaid shirts traditionally worn by lumberjacks.
When Ottawa had the Roughriders, they were named for the logging rough riders (riding logs down rivers?), whereas the Saskatchewan Rough Riders were named for the ranching rough riders (riding horses, etc.).
Fun stuff.
Big slate of games this weekend:
Thu 7:30 (207) SASK @ MTL
Fri 7:30 (207) Calgary @ Ottawa
Sat 10 (209) EDM @ BC
Sun 4 (209) Ham @ TO
These are DirecTV channels 207 and 209.
I am looking forward to seeing some football, even with only 3 downs.
You may have met the one guy that "hates" Gronk at that game.
Most Bills fans probably just envy having that unstoppable tight end on their team.
Hate should never rationally be applied to a football player. Good Lord, there are plenty of things worth hating in the world.
Success said: "I'm the exact same way, year round. Love the Bills."
Yep. I don't watch hockey, baseball, basketball. I watch NASCAR, F1, etc but not much once there is any kind of football available (CFL, NFL pre-season)
Just Da Bills...