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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. Ch 212-1 shows The Bills are on, but I am getting a "game blacked out" message. Blacked out in Arizona? WTF? I hate those TV bastards.
  2. I'm glad it was canceled. If they could not do it justice, they should not use the Woodstock name. I was there 50 years ago. It's pretty cool to have been part of a piece of history. 4 weeks later, I went to the Toronto Rock n Roll Revival, with Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, and more. The Doors were the big name closing act. On the drive up to TO, the radio said John Lennon, Yoko, and their friend Eric Clapton would play the festival, so that cool as well (aside from Yoko).
  3. Wasn't Andy considered small? Or was he just short?
  4. I wonder if I can find the cow pasture (about 4 miles from venue) where I parked my Corvair in deep cow mud for 4 days. I don't have my '64 Corvair any more, though.
  5. This is great! How old is this little guy? It's a pretty mature thing to do (doing it respectfully, that is).
  6. I got down on one knee and proposed - on Valentines Day. We met on a blind date, and have been married almost 30 years. Sometimes marriage works out well.
  7. I don't think so, Phil. Tommy Sweeney should make the Bills' final 53. Vince Ferragamo (ex-Alouette, I think) was with Andre. Not sure why they were there in Edmonton.
  8. Wow, this is pretty juicy stuff. I wonder how the Beach Boys got on the devil's music list...
  9. Thanks for the explanation. And "salties" = ocean-going ships? (either that or some little fishies)
  10. I'm enjoying this discussion. Can you explain a bit how the escarpment does this rounding and impounding?
  11. Thanks, Promo, I appreciate the update. I love watching the CFL.
  12. Laughed out loud at China food.
  13. This is the Tom Terrific I was thinking of. Thanks, OldTimeAFLGuy!
  14. I lived in Fuquay-Varina, right next to Holly Springs. That must be rough when it gets under your contact lenses! Ouch.
  15. I have recently lived in the Raleigh and Charlotte areas of North Carolina. In March or April, you may find your car covered in a layer of yellow pine pollen. A friend who has a lot of pine trees told me that this yellow pollen will turn into black mold if it is not taken care of. Southern Arizona is much better place as far as allergies are concerned.
  16. Rest in peace, NJ Sue. I never met her, but I remember those days of the homework question. My condolences to all her friends and family.
  17. People are quick to dismiss this possibility, but as someone mentioned, we got a 5th for OT Marshall Newhouse last year. Look what they did with this "small change" draft capital. I think it was a 5th to move up for Cody Ford, wasn't it? Does Vlad Ducasse have any value to another team? A starting guard with years of experience? Give me a 6th or 7th for him, that's more change in my pocket. Bodine, maybe Teller, who knows what other teams can use once TC begins and injuries happen? Beane is a master at using his resources.
  18. @BillsFan4 Thank you for that Knox info. I'm excited to see what this athletic, but raw, young man can do. I wanted the Bills to draft 2 TE this year, and bingo, 7th round, Tommy Sweeney. This guy played in the Senior Bowl. Just seems to lack speed, but should be very useful in the Bills offense.
  19. I know you were talking about the article, not the video. Please post the quotes about Knox. Fascinating player - no TDs in college, etc. I love the pick, and would love to see the analysis behind it. Thanks in advance.
  20. I would love to see the room's reaction when they selected Dawson Knox, and then Belichek immediately trades out of the next spot. Like we stole the friggin' tight end the Pats wanted. I'll bet the room went wild, but they could never show that stuff publicly. BillsFan4, can you please show the process behind drafting Knox?
  21. Wow. I had wondered when a 2020 mock would show up. 2020 is strong at WR, or so I hear. Nice work.
  22. My wife has a T-shirt that says "My city smells like Cheerios".
  23. In this clip you can see some of the "runs into blockers" from his evaluation. Another weird e v a l: "sees the field through a straw" (I don't recall hearing that before about any player)
  24. You really should watch the video linked in the OP. Just spend a few minutes, and you may feel much better. What do these B/R draftniks think of the Dawson Knox pick? Two 4th round picks is too expensive? What kind of car do you drive?
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