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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. I can understand the new guy (7 posts) to act like a dick towards JW, but the rest of you regulars should know better. JW is one of the few "significant" posters on TSW. Don't give him BS.
  2. Condolences to the Fitzpatrick family. Ryan is one of the good guys, even as a Dolphin. May his mother rest in peace, and may the family find peace soon.
  3. Kittle just got $15M/yr, average. And Kelce gets $14.25/yr ? Wow.
  4. I liked Duke from seeing his play in the CFL. But I think these 2 rookies will win out over Duke and flash-in-the-pan Foster. IIRC, on draft day, Gabe Davis was practicing with friends at UCF. Always working! I am excited to see these 2 guys play.
  5. Good God, you mean because Fromm failed to use the word "equally" you are still going to give him bull$$it for his remarks? eball, you have a weird interpretation of words.
  6. w/e - is that the newspeak for "whatever"? If so, maybe that's not as bad as the millennial "whatevs" Yikes
  7. He will work as an orderly? I thought he got his MD. Is this the Canadian version of a residency that US doctors must go through?
  8. Does anyone know what S.H.E.S. is?
  9. Black people can't be racist? Are you shi77ing me??? What do you think BLM is all about? Getting rid of white influence (people, etc). BLM are the most racist voice active today. Just pretend otherwise, though.
  10. They only need to change the logo to a Virginia Redskin Peanut. Done. Or do they have to change the name of the peanut now?
  11. The NFL, like NASCAR, is so weak-minded to fall for this racist crap. BLM is nothing but a money laundering operation which pops up every 4 years. .
  12. "Over-officious jerks" is an old Marv Levy quote, yelling at the refs. I did not start the thread, only responded to the question. Try to relax.
  13. Over-officious jerks! We have grammar and spelling police here, now the holiday police. The question was about who served in Vietnam (era).
  14. I had long hair and didn't want those barbers to cut it, so I butchered it myself the night before. Doh, it looked bad. I had a pretty easy run in the Army, all in all. In physical testing at end of boot camp, they miscounted, credited me an extra set of monkey bars, and I got the E-2 stripe. My more athletic buddy did not get the stripe. Then 6 months of radio repair training in Georgia, a short year in Germany, and I was done. I have been very blessed in my life.
  15. In 1969, there was a televised drawing of birthdays and numbers assigned to each birthday. When my birthday came up at #126, my sisters burst into tears. Supposedly, they were only taking numbers up to 100-something. So how does #126 get me drafted in mid-May? My brother came up at #350 or so, but he was already living in Plattsburg, as close to Canada as he could be. He has been living in Canada for the last 50 years or so. Oh, and yes, we have no million-dollar bonus for you. But we will forcibly advance you $25 of your first month's pay, so you can pay for the haircut you must get. Yes, we had to PAY for the worst friggin buzz cut of our life. Just adding insult to injury, so you will get used to it. Ha!
  16. I served in Georgia (USA) and Germany, and heard stories from vets back from 'Nam. Readily available over there were "smack-erettes", cigarettes full of heroin. I am grateful to God I was never sent to that country. Cheap heroin and plenty of reasons to lose yourself in it. Or alcohol, as your Dad found out. I hope he is still OK after all these years. It has been said that you lose a piece of your soul when you have been in combat. I can only imagine the horror some of those men endured. A life changing experience, and not for the better.
  17. Back in 2000, I worked at a phone company in St Louis. I knew a guy named Patrick, who was the brother of Bob Kalsu's widow. He was a Bills fan because of Bob, and a huge Sooners fan. He had some cool football pics of Bob at OU. Not much good to say about my time at that phone company, but it was cool knowing Patrick.
  18. I am a Vietnam Era veteran, and I thank God for that word "era". I was drafted in 1970 (50 years ago last week!) and served in Germany.
  19. Rest in peace, Squirt! Absolutely one of the best TV characters of the 1960s. So glad TVLand or whoever runs the old Beaver episodes (or have in recent times). And so soon after losing Frank Costanza...
  20. Hey, I wonder what the NFL would give you if you hired a female HC or GM? There's a minority for ya' Maybe they would gift you a couple extra 1st rounders.
  21. This is great. Dunbar: Shortly before the warrant for his arrest was issued Thursday, he held a 15-minute introductory teleconference call and told Seattle reporters: "You just want to feel wanted at the end of the day. ... I just hope to repay them with the way I carry myself as a person."
  22. Thank you @stevewin for transcribing and posting this. Wonderful stuff from Dion.
  23. I like Duke, mostly because I enjoyed his CFL play for 2 seasons. I was rooting for Duke last year to make it. I do not think there is a spot for Duke now, with Diggs, Davis and Hodgins added, Davis likely to the 53. I do not see the similarity to Fred Jackson though. Coe College vs Auburn U, where Duke had disciplinary issues, and was kicked off the team. How about Fred? Troublemaker? No. No similarities at all, but carry on.
  24. Hey, you are OK, Costa. There was no Larry or Warford in that other post's title.
  25. The bullhorn business is what I remember about the Gregg-o administration. Just a low class, first class jerk. Fairly soon, the Bills had to leggo of old Gregg-o.
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