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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. This is the one thing I thought Baker was really good at. He is pretty funny in those ads.
  2. What was the deal with CJ Spiller getting winded? Do you remember any more about that? My recollection of it is foggy.
  3. The crypto world is a place where they often talk about "generational" wealth, meaning the wealth you make will affect the lifestyle of future generations of your family. I know a couple people who will be facing a sudden influx of wealth due to crypto investments. In terms of football salaries, the term "generational" does not make much sense.
  4. 2/22/22 Pluto return—the planetary shift that has historically brought great change to countries is hitting the US for the first time ever
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjc0aiKiIP2AhUlj4kEHZh2DLoQyCl6BAgGEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZ_YY1X8atWI&usg=AOvVaw07v4OeLTbiJYdiodyLhURq The Watch (with Lyrics) - Matthews' Southern Comfort - YouTube
  6. My deepest condolences to you and your family members, Garrett. It was cool that Randy was a coach, so he always had a well informed response to football questions. So nice that he taught his kids to be Bills fans.
  7. Bengals win!!! Chiefs f**k off. This makes me very happy. I'm sick of the damn Chiefs.
  8. Are we over-reacting? No and Hell no! A squib kick ticks off a few precious seconds, very important seconds in this case. Now we hear the squib order did not reach Bass? Did Farwell screw up the transmission of the message? Someone has to take responsibility for this massive screw-up. A golden opportunity - with Brady and Rodgers out of the picture - to win a super bowl. Pissed off is not over-reacting.
  9. Buy the dip! XLM (Stellar Lumens) are down to 18.9 cents today. You can swap them for XRP at 61 cents. Want to get rich?
  10. Laqoun Treadwell is finally getting some playing time in JAX. How many years has he been doing nothing in the league? Former 1st round pick IIRC.
  11. Isn't it a federal crime to tamper with mailboxes?
  12. How does this "professor" with the modified Mohawk identify?
  13. Virginia Redskin Peanuts! Even though they play in Maryland. DC is going to become a bird sanctuary anyway. Maybe they can play off of that theme.
  14. Wow, can you imagine paying a 1/4 billion dollars for a "serviceable" QB? Ouch. When I see the Browns, I imagine they wished they had taken Josh at #1.
  15. These people are pathetic. Is it a sympathy date/relationship because her mother is dying? People are strange.
  16. I will watch it. I enjoyed the USFL back in early 80s, aside from them taking Jim Kelly away from us. But then I like the CFL, too.
  17. This is why I don’t want my kids to go to college. I wish it was funny. Note the left-handed fist symbol at the bottom.
  18. HBAR is a very good coin to invest in. Very good future. But then, nobody believes what I say.
  19. There is a man who pushes a large cart full of empty deposit bottles through North Buffalo. If I see him again, I would like to give him $50. Imagine how hard this guy works, pushing that thing all over the place. Now, I just have to find him again. I've missed Christmas, but I'm sure he could use the help any day.
  20. What are meta-pets? Coins with dog pictures? "Hot movers" are not going to secure your family's future. You need to put a bit of research and science into it if you really want to make some money.
  21. Hey, it turned out pretty well. I even went back for seconds. I hope everybody had a lovely Christmas Day.
  22. This year, I am living solo and dining solo on Christmas Day. But I love a real turkey dinner, so I will attempt to simulate a turkey dinner using boxed ingredients. Kind of weird, but par for the weirdness of the year 2021. Butterball sliced turkey from the deli. Stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce. We'll see how this all turns out.
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