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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. mtv zooms in close enough for you to check for signs of cottage cheese?
  2. pretty soon they'll pick up rock, paper, scissors tournaments... as soon as they wrestle it away from A&E
  3. I'm in New England right now interviewing for a position...WNY isn't offering me anything does it make me happy? no...i'm having some mixed emotions about leaving WNY, but I don't have much choice
  4. son of tatum o'neal! they seem to be getting better and better looking all young, hot and blonde!
  5. I can't believe I missed this for so many days and I'm not sure what to say right now after reading this. I remember the first time I read Paul's thread about his wife Darlene years ago. It was the most powerful and painful thing I've ever read. I can't even begin to imagine how much that hurt him when reading it myself caused me great pain. Over the years, I actually got to know Paul through personal messages and emails. He gave me alot of career advice as I was interested in entering the bio/chemical defense field. We almost had an opportunity to meet once in DC, but time constraints caused the meeting to fall through. On the forum, Paul was one of my favorite posters, not just because we knew each other personally, but because of his posting style. He could post in any thread about anything and throw in some dry intelligent wit that would just fit. His knowledge and practicality in all situations also appealed to me...My thoughts are all over the place now and my writing probably isn't making much sense anymore so I'll stop. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel, but this news saddens me greatly. I don't have alot of experience with personal deaths. I do know that I'm glad and grateful for the chance to know and talk to him.
  6. This movie will probably have the same effect that Michael Moore films do (and draw the same audience): most people coming out of the theater will suddenly be an expert on something they don't actually know stevestojan about and will never bother to actually look into. Is the movie packaged as a double feature with that gem "Loose Change" ?
  7. i found it depressing and it's supposed to be a comedy
  8. just finished up Eight Below...normally not up for Disney movies, but this movie about dogs was fantastic
  9. they want to run a small creek through the casino? what are they going to do about that in the winter? let people ice skate on it?
  10. I've currently got Gob's magician song Europe's Final Countdown) from the show Arrested Development on...Sabre Dance sounds like a good change
  11. it would be useful to know the model of your phone i used this method for my phone http://pyro42.com/cblog/index.php?/archive.....html#extended
  12. what the hell did the dog do to anyone?
  13. I wish I could've seen the Sabres take on the canes full strength (minus all the injuries)...this series wouldn't have had to go 7 regarding the canes, I'll only say that I dislike Rod Brindamor. He has some nerve, and he looks like a pile of stevestojan. actually, i wouldn't mind punching laviolette in the face either
  14. you're a chauffeur? i was under the impression that the owners of Bentleys were driven in them by others only
  15. Alam Cumming reportedly was unwillinging to go through all the makeup processes again for another movie and sheena easton's morning train
  16. Biron is the best backup goaltender of all time
  17. you went bionic?
  18. anyone know where i can get a defibrillator cheap?
  19. actually, Singer has come out recently and said that the movie doesn't take place after Superman II...if anything, it would come right after Superman I as Superman has no clue who Zod is in this new movie instead, Singer mentioned that Superman returns is based loosely on the original Superman while paying tribute to several aspects of the original (i.e. Marlon Brando as Jor-El)
  20. two chicks commented about your crying and you're going for celebratory high fives?
  21. i also have a major problem with the way they dealt with one of the "endings" makes no sense at all, considering how they dealt with another "ending"
  22. those are not moments i'd voluntarily choose to relive i'll pass
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