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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. his mom and coach did a good job Bob Bowman is one lucky SOB though...Bowman owes everything to the instructors at the Baltimore Aquatic Center that taught Phelps (and Katie Hoff) how to swim. If kids don't get proper technique when starting off, they'll never reach their full potential.
  2. Actually, it looks like Cavic finished correctly. I've been yelled at by my coaches for losing races by finishing the way Phelps finished with the extra half stroke. Phelps is just too damn fast.
  3. but he doesn't play fair...and swimming is too easy and that sort of drive to win exists in everyone
  4. there was some yelling disturbing the peace of my quiet neighborhood at the end of that race...holy crap that man is amazing
  5. Misty May and Kerri Walsh are about to be on! I don't think beach volleyball should be an Olympic sport, but I have no problems watching those 2 play. I can't quite put my finger on why that is...
  6. beating up on third world countries..yay! the NBA died to me after the first dream team
  7. Yes. higher taxes would be a problem for me. 200k is a pretty low bar to set for a professional working couple, especially with the increased cost of living for anything. For example, 200k is also nothing for residents of California. A friend of mine was making 45k starting salary in WNY with a MS in Optical Engineering. A move to California 1.5 years later bumped his salary up to 95k. I'm pretty sure his PhD chemist wife easily pulls in six figures. They'd have to to be able to survive in that state. Anyhow, salary adjustments for cost of living in different states aside, the super rich that are discussed are a very small percentage of the population. For the large percentage that works their asses off to become middle class, raising taxes for those hovering around the 200k range is a slap in the face.
  8. I'm afraid of higher taxes and more nanny state.
  9. you're all talking to yourselves now...you meanies scared G.Host away!
  10. you were hoping Huckabee was the republican nominee too eh?
  11. Yes, I think prostitution should be legalized and then taxed. You'd eliminate pimps and probably crackwhores. You can change prostitution to drugs and make the exact same argument. Legalizing illegal drugs would eliminate drug dealers. The government can then frown upon those activities as much as they want, but look the other way as they always do and gleefully collect their tax money (i.e., smoking cigarettes).
  12. I'm not discounting their findings, but what the hell is CNWMR? The website looks incredibly amateurish.
  13. , Thank you very much. I successfully defended my thesis and finished my Ph.D. studies at the University of Rochester on Monday thereby closing the door on way too many years of school, this username (yeah, i registered formerlycollegeguy and posted quite a few times) and WNY. Never did think I'd leave the area but since jobs were near impossible to come by, I had to pack my bags and move on. Any other recent graduates pushed out of the area?
  14. i think that loose change dude is a local WNY'er he went to suny brockport and dropped out
  15. very nice way too much work for me though...what on earth gave you guys the motivation to carry that through? and what the heck are you guys? ninja mechanics? i'm pretty sure i'd know if someone came to steal my wheels
  16. what did mcgahee do last season to warrant a commercial?
  17. actually, VW sucks worse than any american manafacturer
  18. when I drive by GM dealerships, I see that their parking lot is swamped with huge ass trucks and SUVs I also wonder how much money folks that drive Escalades by themselves make
  19. damn...too far away for me
  20. where's it 2.83? i think it was 2.89 at the Delta Sonic and BJ's on West Henrietta yesterday
  21. god, i hope i never have to go through with that i've had my beagle since he was 2 months old http://www.che.rochester.edu/~yuchang/stewiethebunnykiller/ I'm sorry for your loss and share your pain.
  22. it definetely does not look kosher though it could've just been some incredible artistic focusing while under extreme duress
  23. I'm going to try and get in on this one
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