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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. i brought the laptop, digital cam, camcorder and all the chargers and batteries along on board...didn't trust any baggage handlers to throw that around no router or 50 feet of cables though
  2. "Oh Reginald! We disagree!"
  3. i've lived here for 4 and have never been in there my wife has been here for 8 and hasn't set foot in there my rich friend's mother works there though...i have no idea what she does
  4. yowza i see a camel's toe!
  5. you should've taken her home and shagged her while wearing your jersey
  6. man...i live less than a mile away from the kat and i've never set foot in that joint dunno anyone who has been there either any idea when this is showing again?
  7. not true...there's arrested development, except fox wants to cancel it edit: while my wife was flipping channels, we caught the end of wife swap (we swear we weren't watching it!) what caught our eye was the husband of the white trash family was wearing a Bills cap while smooching with his wife...supposedly the show CHANGED his life and he's going to help out around the house more or something
  8. the Red vs Blue Mac switch spoof is better Playing games on the PC was like... There are a lot of great games on the Mac, like, Warcraft 3, uhm....uh...that puzzle game, with the Apple logo! That's a great game. I beat it, but, it's still fun. The confusing thing about PC's is, you go to the store, and there's just, SO MANY GAMES. Like everywhere you look. But on the Mac, there's just six. And you know which ones are good, because you played them all on the PC like 5 or 6 years ago. On the Mac I can play plenty of great games that you just can't find on the PC now. Like Zork, Breakout....Super Breakout.............Photoshop... Another great thing about the Mac is upgrades. On a PC, you have to open up your case, swap out your video card, change jumpers. But on a Mac, when it's time to upgrade, you just pick it up, throw it away, and go buy another one. Now THAT's convenience. My name is Gus Sarrola, and I'm a gamer. Well, I used to be...
  9. moron should've blown it out
  10. could you take off your acting pants and put on your analrapist hat and run that by me again?
  11. you really think marv came out of retirement with his HOF legend to NOT win?
  12. if only Warren Moon knew how to use the internet to vent his frustrations then he might not have to beat his wife /btw, nice to see you get it out of your system
  13. that's a much shorter list than the general atmosphere of the board would imply
  14. what do you think niagara falls is here for?
  15. no sense talking sense on this board tonight there's a mob with pitchforks out for blood and nothing's going to stop them...until jauron wins a few games i suppose
  16. or spelling...is it too much to ask people to use your and you're correctly?
  17. so...what do you plan on doing about it? besides posting on msg boards about how angry you are and how you won't "take it!" ?
  18. can someone tell me where they got all the colorful nalgene bottles all of a sudden? everyone is drinking out of them now and there's a shot of jack and locke packing to go after michael next to a table of supplies...there were several identical blue nalgene bottles with yellow caps on them as far as i know, nalgene just used to make lab products until the mid 90's when they came out with more consumer friendly products...the colorful bottles didn't come out until recently
  19. why the hell would anyone do that when he hasn't even coached a game yet? unfreakingbelievable
  20. *chirp chirp* I'll wait for official confirmation from the Bills that DJ is the HC first
  21. precisely...i'm going to sit back and wait for official confirmation rather than join the masses running around like headless chickens i find myself to be too tired to get excited or depressed anyway after such an unusual season
  22. http://www.actustar.com/photos/scarlett-johansson-globe.jpg http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=l...carlettgg02.jpg
  23. maybe worse off is the wrong choice of words, but it is more difficult for them to compete in a pool of white applicants only there's this stereotype that asians and indians are supposed to be "smarter" or something...that they're better at math and science...it's simply not true, however when thrown into a pool of applicants, if they don't stand out to be far above average as expected, why hire them? what happens to the asian or indian kid that is simply average? perhaps it's entirely untrue, but i've heard it mentioned quite a few times...maybe it's a way for parents to scare their kids into working harder
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