the Red vs Blue Mac switch spoof is better
Playing games on the PC was like...
There are a lot of great games on the Mac, like, Warcraft 3, uhm....uh...that puzzle game, with the Apple logo! That's a great game. I beat it, but, it's still fun.
The confusing thing about PC's is, you go to the store, and there's just, SO MANY GAMES. Like everywhere you look. But on the Mac, there's just six.
And you know which ones are good, because you played them all on the PC like 5 or 6 years ago.
On the Mac I can play plenty of great games that you just can't find on the PC now. Like Zork, Breakout....Super Breakout.............Photoshop...
Another great thing about the Mac is upgrades. On a PC, you have to open up your case, swap out your video card, change jumpers. But on a Mac, when it's time to upgrade, you just pick it up, throw it away, and go buy another one. Now THAT's convenience.
My name is Gus Sarrola, and I'm a gamer. Well, I used to be...