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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. you mean for this?
  2. what the hell is shani davis' problem? he was such a dick in melissa stark's interview
  3. the jacks? can we pay him in Applejacks?
  4. mind if i ask where? i could really use one as my body has been taking a beating lately
  5. she likes her men all natural and unshaved
  6. i visited baltimore last november and had a local friend take me out for crab cakes...perhaps my friend didn't know what the hell she was doing, but those were the worst 24 dollar crabcakes i ever had
  7. I'd prefer to see amateur athletes in the olympics for the same reason why i prefer to watch college basketball over the NBA...amateur athletes put everything on the line for glory...professional athletes can blow a game and go home to their mansions even if i'm rooting against a particular college team, it always kills me a little inside when i see the seniors bawl their eyes out after their last college game because for them, that may have been the last game of their career
  8. why wasn't hasek playing
  9. Jack was actually making a strawberry banana smoothie with an antiquated blender
  10. Hieroglyphs have been translated to S29-Z7-U29-G1-Z6 It is being translated on various forums as "Death Approaches Me", "It dies" and "Die"
  11. I feel so cheated here in WNY...how am I supposed to ski in an inch of snow?
  12. amusing quotes from fark forums this is all in response to another celebrity opening their big mouths when they don't fully understand what's going on Moby STFU
  13. that would be interesting...he obviously harbors grudges very deeply unlike any of the other survivors...he's got it in for zeke, the one who shot him and the rest of the "others"
  14. hurt ourselves pulling what? whoa whoa whoa! you crossed the line of bluntness there
  16. so...what's your point
  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11160479/ so basically, the government is saving money and the lenders are making less money...and the media is up in arms the lenders used to make a killing on loans...not anymore i might not have noticed this myself until the dean of engineering at UB brought this up to me after i questioned it
  18. so...is she frozen to the ice like a child that licks a metal pole in the winter?
  19. i'm not even going to get into this fully...student loans were not cut...there is more money available to students than ever...instead, the way loans are managed have been changed...rates are up however, thanks to ted kennedy and i forget her name senator in california as they wanted fixed rates...the only way to get fixed rates through the banks was to raise them slightly...thanks dems for all your help to the students
  20. screw guns, he's going to tae kwan do everyone
  21. what? and finally give the media and reactionaries something real to gripe about?
  22. define cut most things i'm reading about are being curbed in terms of growth...i'm hearing so many scientists and newspapers griping about NIH funding being cut or student loans being cut...nothing's being cut...there isn't less money available, there's more money available than ever...it's just the % growth of allocation is being slowed down so we don't get too far into debt
  23. he didn't stick it in her pooper? i thought that was the straw that broke the camel's back
  24. good lord, that may be the worst thing i've seen on the internet all year (yes, it's still early in the year)
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