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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. applying for a job stocking shelves at wegmans before starting graduate studies "and what role will wegmans play in your future after you get your degree?" me: uh...i'll shop here? i wouldn't mind working for wegmans really...if they had positions for chemical engineering
  2. is that a wig he's wearing?
  3. i don't think you would've enjoyed it as much if hurley or some nasty chick had said it
  4. it's too bad they don't sell the accord wagon in the US...i'd take one
  5. http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/6923/img22eq.jpg or http://pixelheaven.pulsehost.com/sa/lost.jpg
  6. i completely forgot about that one
  7. that's true...all those eastern european hotties coming over to north america in search of a better life are going to find that the area's top sugar daddy has moved away
  8. at the banquet the swim team i coach for is having this year, EVERY kid gets a trophy...reasoning according to one of the parents planning it "we want every kid to go home feeling good about themselves" i can think of many that don't deserve squat and need to re-evaluate their own character...(btw, i'm not some stone cold dick...i don't have a problem if a kid stinks up the joint due to lack of talent as long as he/she works hard...in fact, they're usually some of my favorite as i admire their work ethic) another thing i'm noticing these days is that if a coach criticizes a kid or kicks him out of practice for being disruptive or rude, the parents get on the coach's case rather than disciplining their own child...if i'd gotten out of line with my coaches when i was a kid, i know there was going to be some sh*t going down for me when i got home i think many parents (not all, there are alot of great parents and kids on the team...you can tell who they are as these kids are near direct representations of how their parents are) are now using sports as a way to 1. live vicariously through their kids and fulfill things they didn't do themselves when they were young and 2. get them out of their hair for a few hours what they forget is that training, being part of a team and competition prepares them for obstacles they may encounter later in life as an adult... alot of these kids are going to have problems
  9. like someone mentioned, it's like GTA but more violent (or so it seems because there appears to be more blood) i'm having trouble sitting through video games these days though...i think i've got too much other junk on my plate to be sitting in front of the tv
  10. how does kate stay so unbelievably hot and shaven?
  11. because they're called the Patriots if they do win however, I move to change all Buffalo Sports team names to the Patriots Buffalo Patriots Football Buffalo Patriots Hockey Buffalo Patriots Lacrosse Buffalo Patriots Baseball UB Patriots
  12. i should've clarified...it wasn't music that we picked out...it was at the end of the reception before he packed up and had us dance to while everyone surrounded us...i remember one of them being "Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler (if it wasn't for the situation, i'm not sure if it would work)...can't remember the others i'm pretty sure my wife doesn't remember...and i'm brave enough to ask her in the morning after she wakes up
  13. I remember some stuff getting to me during my wedding...can't remember what they were for the life of me seeing Les Miserables live got me a few times movies don't usually do it for me, but Moulin Rouge also got me
  14. Donahoe's offseasons were always exciting as hell...nice way to set us all up for a crash and burn season that supposedly had incredible potential due to his high profile moves during the offseason
  15. he's already been internationally disgraced...might as well take the money if someone wants to offer it to you
  16. movie gets better each time you watch it so many jokes and great lines you just couldn't understand as a kid not the greatest, but pretty damn good
  17. before they were LOST
  18. you want to see a priceless photo? http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7917/reddickulous26ed.jpg
  19. apparently no one was amused by my meat thermometer comment i'm so juvenile
  20. The scene where he asked asked her if she had taken her temperature led my dirty mind astray as I thought it was a poor attempt at trying to get Sun in the mood. She just didn't give him a chance to finish the line: Jin: Have you taken your temperature? ...would you like to use my meat thermometer? for all we know, Gale could've known that the balloon was there from some other poor bloke that crashed and drew that map to that balloon to gain their trust...then when he's out, he's going to wreak some havoc
  21. I'd love to stay here...My wife is not from WNY and she'd love to stay here. I just need a job first...and the market for Chemical Engineering PhD's seems pretty damn thin here.
  22. boy is this a depressing thread...i really need to get out of this state
  23. Here are my 2 beagle boys Stewie Darwin We got Stewie as a pup from a breeder and rescued Darwin from Lollypop farms. Stewie's becoming quite the pheasant dog while Darwin is gunshy and runs for the truck as soon as he hears gunfire.
  24. depends on how you define intelligence does memorization = intelligence? or does problem solving ability = intelligence? many animals can memorize...cats, dogs, monkeys, dolphins, elephants, etc...what sets humans apart from animals is our problem solving ability the ability to problem solve drives progress and innovation...being able to memorize a bunch of numbers or body parts might be impressive, but in the end, you're just regurgitating information without manipulating it a good example of this would be comparing a bio related class in college to an engineering class for a genetics test, you'd just memorize a buttload of info and regurgitate it all back (same deal with the MCATs and med school boards) in an engineering test you're allowed to bring in pretty much anything you want...people would come in with stacks of books, laptops, notes and old exams...you weren't expected to memorize anything because memorizing something wouldn't save you anyway...instead, they test your ability to apply your knowledge and problem solve
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