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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. I'm not exactly sure what the R&D team at supersoaker were thinking when they made this gun. http://host.exemplum.com/hasbro/supersoake...ozinatorVid.htm it's not a joke http://www.hasbro.com/supersoaker/default....roduct_id=17359 maybe i've just got a real dirty mind
  2. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...lim_sports.html also useful for the times when you want to look like the forgotten teletubby.
  3. no need for hybrid prices just check out the Toyota Yaris or Honda Fit both are dirt cheap, look decent and get 35/40 mpg
  4. i'm waiting for his king's stealth edit
  5. not try to lose, but they should've played Losman instead of Holcomb the positives of such a scenario outweigh the bad i.e. losman gets experience and a better draft position
  6. you would've passed on Carson Palmer if he was available?
  7. it means she's going to call BS and backout the counter appears to be legit though and it really skyrocketed once it hit collegehumor.com and people started posting it everywhere
  8. http://www.helpwinthisbet.com/
  9. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12519975/ Exxon earned 9.5 cents on every $1 of gasoline and oil sold, cashing in on skyrocketing prices at every stage of the process. State and Federal Taxes in NYS combine to $.629 on the gallon (the highest in the nation). The government makes more than twice the profit of Big Oil!! Where's the outrage? Where are the calls for gouging? Meanwhile you have Schumer all over tv telling the American people he is going to get down to the bottom of high oil prices, making sure the big oil companies are sticking in to the people...
  10. why are the mannequins crooked? is that supposed to be "cooler"?
  11. I can't eat that stuff in Rochester or Buffalo...I also can't understand how people can eat that when they live in WNY I went one night on their 30 cent wing nights and it was just awful
  12. stuff the heel of his socks with paper towels
  13. Blockbuster's online service seems slow and bloated compared to Netflix service to Rochester
  14. see some swimming feet...i'm amazed at how big the feet are on some 14 year old girls on my swim team...i bet amanda beard has flipper sized feet
  15. not that I'd kick her out of bed or anything, but I never really found her all that attractive...same thing goes for Pamela Anderson
  16. the submissions is the most exciting part...the fact that it takes so long makes it exciting...it's like watching a chess match, you need to plan every move ahead and anticipate what your opponent is going to do...one minor slip, arm slightly out too far or neck angled wrong and bam, you're submitted another reason why Gracie can't stand a chance anymore is, everyone started learning brazilian jiujitsu to add to their standing combat style...unless gracie learned some thai kickboxing or something, he'd better get hughes down to the ground quick 5 minute rounds are still ridiculous though...we used to do 2 minute rotations of grappling, and after the first 2, you'd be gasping for air
  17. At some point will make it to one 1. collegeguy
  18. img had to be flipped for the B to make sense
  19. not quite work safe http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1784/flyersblow9nd.jpg
  20. UFC...skill level is also higher, though that might be because i understand grappling better than boxing
  21. Vito taking Finn doesn't make much sense in the whole scheme of things I also read it on AICN, which seems to be quickly getting discredited over time
  22. no one's said it? ok, i will I'd Hit It!
  23. i wouldn't be too worried about that unless the tip of your penis has a hook that might accidentally pull out the pin
  24. also here in wmv http://www.hockeyfights.com/videos/
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