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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. i feel no sympathy for that man he should've tapped that hot piece of ass when he had a chance
  2. two lips on your organ? all i did was beefsteak tomatoes and cherry tomatoes considering red peppers
  3. i'm a little too blitzed right now to figure out what the hell the article is talking about, but surprisingly the journal article is in press...however the international journal of hydrogen energy has a very low impact factor...in 2003, it had an impact factor of 1,344 whereas the journal of impotence research got a 3,063 rating yeah, boners are important, but more important than clean renewable energy? i'll check out the science tomorrow
  4. he's also been married to the same woman forever, which is totally unhollywood my friend who moved to LA to try and make it in acting ran into tom hanks by accident at a birthday party he was working (no, he claims he wasn't working as a clown) said tom hanks stopped to wish the kid he didn't know happy birthday and sign a bunch of birthdays
  5. I wouldn't lay it all on Emery. Ottawa had some awesome defensive lapses. "Oh look, there's Chris Drury wow he sure can skate. We should all back up to give him some room."
  6. thank god for OT and sudden death...otherwise, the sens might've been granted another 5 on 3 powerplay
  7. You ready hip hop? You ready New Kids on the Block?
  8. I second the distillery get a decent mix of college folk and professionals chicks are not the size of farm animals
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCJOA-XP5SA
  10. dude, we're trying to eradicate HIV
  11. ah...they did that in a jackie chan movie...i thought it was fake
  12. Nikki would ruin you I was interested in her comment about who really threw Bill out of the compound though however then she pulls the Marriot bills and then I question her loyalty again
  13. Didn't the commercials advertise that he'd break the record, or "die trying"? I demand david's corpse.
  14. man, i never knew that the "/" key did that...very useful so i don't need to hit CTRL+F anyhoo, if you want to get rid of it, hit ESC
  15. he won't drown...he's going to cheat free divers breathe pure oxygen and can then hold their breath for up to 15 minutes blaine's going to do the same thing but pass it off as some superfeat when he breaks 9 minutes
  16. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=46424&hl=
  17. you may take your own life if you watch MI2
  18. i also remember the bomb he caught from flutie in the playoff game against miami which he then fumbled after sam madison caught him from behind maybe it's just nostalgia speaking, but i don't remembe reed dropping many passes while moulds seemed to have trouble catching the ball alot...and reed was able to do this while going over the middle
  19. eh? any time he got into the open field, he either tripped on himself or got caught from behind
  20. I'm only 26, but I wouldn't go back and do it again living at home with my parents, high school exams, college apps...ugh college was ridiculously fun, but i'd hate to go through all the engineering exams again
  21. he's in really bad shape good "badges of honor" though i suppose I'd say pretty much the entire team looks to be clean of any facial bruises or cuts I'm not sure if I've ever seen Afinogenov cut at all http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/teams/buf/photos?pg=2&cap=0
  22. what the heck happened to connolly's face? he looks like he has 2 black eyes and a chipped nose
  23. http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,FAN-5682.html why the hell would I want to wipe my feet on my beloved Bills?
  24. when I did was on a listener's panel roughly 4 years ago for WG55, everyone gushed about how great coach dickerson was and ganged up on me when i told him i couldn't stand him they also said that if chuck were in the building, he'd give me a thrashing bring it on saggyballlickers
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