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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. so what's the situation with Connolly and Numminen tonight?
  2. Cincinnatti's in far better shape than all of WNY...why would you leave?
  3. where's the "Who cares?" option?
  4. http://pdl.warnerbros.com/wbol/uk/movies/s...lrf3_qt_500.mov new international trailer looks even better than the last one
  5. from the trailer, it looks like superman gets royally f*ckded up
  6. well, this response is going to be hard to top /thread over
  7. I'll give you a hint the secret message from all those ads is "Drink More Ovaltine!"
  8. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=66...07&q=punch&pl=t anyone know what this is about? here's a remix http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=51...3461814&q=punch and here's an animated gif http://www.mediafall.com/misc/punch.gif
  9. I'm an easy man to please I stand by my claim and will not gripe like those bastard Boston fans
  10. I don't think Toyota or Honda have made very good minivans though their minivans still manage to beat out the Big 3 versions in quality and reliability lately, I've found Hondas to be more expensive than Toyotas...perhaps because they're slightly more "flashy"? i do know the interior of hondas now look pretty damn good while toyotas still seem kind of bland the civic/camry costs more than the corolla/accord even the honda fit is like a grand more than the toyota yaris
  11. have we not learned anything from the history of Buffalo sports? get too excited and our teams will trample over our hearts this team keeps surprising me and I'll have fun while it's going on but i'm afraid to set myself up for heartbreak I will say though, if the Sabres win the cup this year, I don't care if the Bills stink this season
  12. why would you need the Infiniti if you've got the Cayenne I can see the purpose of 2 cars the BMW...for personal use SUV to truck around all his illegitimate children and "baby momma"
  13. I personally just wouldn't buy a Jetta or any VW because they have horrid reliability...being built in Mexico doesn't help either
  14. i prefer this image
  15. Hollywood has run out of stories and is remaking EVERYTHING.
  16. only 16 pictures? where are the rest? i need to fully understand the horrors these girls are put through
  17. I think Ruben Brown was also getting tired of getting pegged in the back of the head by low passes *bonk* Ruben: what the??? Dougie: oops, my bad...it was...someone else's fault
  18. I do...and I was a Flutie fan/supporter his first year. He really stunk up the joint the second year. If you want the best QB to play, then you stick RJ in and see what he can do. Many people, including Wade Philips didn't think he could do any worse than Flutie after that final game of the season...and he was right for the wildcard game. With Flutie, you knew exactly what you had. The wall he hit during his second season with the Bills was his limit. Johnson had what seemed to be unlimited talent which would show itself once in a while. This is why he kept getting chances in the NFL...sadly, it took too long to reveal that he was nothing but a walking body with muscles and no brain.
  19. well, with all the talk about the Bills leaving town now, the solution is apparent we don't need ralph or golisano we need flutie magic
  20. and start who? Van Pelt? RJ was injured earlier in the season umm...no, for several reasons 1. you're a member of the team, so you should stfu 2. the game was won when RJ stepped off the field...with the way flutie was leading the offense that season, things couldn't have looked any better than the way johnson played poetic justice? boy you must've been thrilled when RJ blew it seems contradictory to the above quoted statement it's a team sport...while it may not seem FAIR, he did not get screwed getting screwed would be inviting Flutie over for dinner and then sending someone over to his place to burn his house down first year, i'll give it to him...he lead this team to the playoffs...then he blew it on his own too by fumbling against miami second year, it was all defense
  21. Billy Joe Hobert? I think many people are forgetting that another reason why RJ was given the nod over Flutie for the Titans game is because Flutie was godawful that season...sure, we won alot of games and made it (barely) to the playoffs, BUT it was because we had a #1 defense. If I remember correctly, alot of these games were painfully close with little or no offense (games against Baltimore and Seattle stand out in my mind). I remember being completely fed up in the game against the Giants where he kept blowing plays and throwing INTs. By that time, it was obvious that his style of play had been figured out and wasn't going to work anymore. After an amazing first season where he was the reason for much success, I had the feeling that the team was desperately trying to NOT lose games because of him during the second half of his second season.
  22. shouldn't prostitutes = businesses and johns = illegal aliens?
  23. plus, there's no such thing as a "platonic" hot friend that's just one of your hot friends that won't have sex with you
  24. Join the Mobile Infantry and save the Galaxy. Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
  25. http://img423.imageshack.us/img423/7018/desktopsize6ik.jpg
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