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  1. #FakeNews https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/87797 The latest viral video promoting COVID-19 misinformation features a newly formed group called America's Frontline Doctors. About 10 physicians, dressed in white coats with an embroidered America's Frontline Doctors logo, spoke for 45 minutes in front of the Supreme Court on Monday on a range of COVID-19 talking points, from hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) being curative to the mental health effects of lockdown outweighing the toll of the virus itself. But none of them have practices that would place them on the actual front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some don't currently practice at all. Two of those appearing at the Monday event are ophthalmologists, one of whom is no longer licensed. MedPage Today could find no evidence that any of the speakers worked in hospitals with significant numbers of COVID-19 patients.
  2. POTUS should not tweet, period.
  3. Barr to be tested. Gohmert walked into the hearing directly behind Barr yesterday.
  4. Gohmert about to be named an honorary Marlin
  5. Not if he sees Dr. Stella "Demon Sperm" Immanuel
  6. I eat both. From my experience in college when I cooked thousands of wings every weekend, an order of "just flats" was requested multiple times a day. An order of "just drums" never happened. Could be why the average order always seems to have more drums than flats....
  7. Who do you think are the "other people actually getting things done" while "Fauchi" plays the court jester act? Who deserves credit? Let's talk positive!
  8. Stop it. You're offending @RochesterRob
  9. It's much different but whatever. You've got your mind made up it seems.
  10. Still nothing? Strzok is writing a book about Trump's dependency on foreign actors. If Trump's DOJ is going to arrest him, now is the time.
  11. Again - whose theory is it? Something "they" found but not proven. Who are "they?"
  12. Whose theory is this?
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