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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. You are a ***** idiot.
  2. Were you one of the doctors in the background of the video with the demon sperm lady?
  3. Of course it matters. Do you ignore your mother on Father's Day?
  4. Good chance he might post here
  5. It's all over Reddit. I'll paraphrase... The dude in the car went into Paula's, ordered some donuts, then got questioned by the cashier why his mask did not say "all lives matter." The dude in the car then left without his food (He claims the cashier kept asking him over and over and he got tired of the conversation) and while he was leaving he told the Guy Fieri looking dude to put a mask on. Guy Fieri dude goes back to his car to get his mask and that's when the video starts.
  6. He has assassinated his own character
  7. Nope Only DR and two of his other user names got suspended.
  8. Do you have more information than his doctor who attributed it to Covid 19?
  9. Tip: If you want them crispy every time - 350 for at least 15 minutes and don't shake the wings hard in the sauce bucket. A soft shake coats them well enough without cracking the crispy skin.
  10. It's been my experience that once fried wings cool down on the plate or are in the fridge for a bit of time they lose the crispiness they once had if not reheated properly Now this I do often with leftover wings and how my dad used to do them at tailgates.
  11. Cold, soggy, and old? To each their own but why?!
  12. Yet you spread his propaganda non-stop. Keep it up!
  13. True. Me and all my liberal friends stopped wearing masks after Trump told us to wear one.
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