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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. A couple things left out of this article I'm wondering about - maybe a part 4 is coming and Dunne is holding back the dirt from this year. Beane's take on McDermott No info about the Diggs drama
  2. Thank the lord the up-and-coming Sabres can distract us from this mess tonight. oh wait
  3. lol this reads a hell of a lot like a direct threat.
  4. It's funny these people were calling the story BS and then McD confirms one of the most damning parts.
  5. There’s alternative viewpoints in the article…
  6. Of course. It’s a little more complicated though when he’s one of dozens of players on the team. It is a personal philosophical conundrum I’m sure many fans are also going to be dealing with.
  7. Agree. Seeing him on the field Sunday is going to be sad and is going to be quite a WTF moment. How can I cheer for him?
  8. The details in the warrant, specifically the cops identifying her bruising immediately as they arrived on scene, is enough for me to agree with your first sentence here. Absolute psychopath behavior. Don't want Von back in Western New York again.
  9. well the Sabres show is from 11 to noon so that makes sense
  10. No way. That was incomplete.
  11. Kneels. This coach is a total loser. Why not try to win the game? He should be walking back to Buffalo. So pathetic
  12. Gave the game away Davis
  13. He is the ultimate loser
  14. Good thing McPhuckWad gave him time to prepare
  15. The coach is an absolute idiot
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