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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. The scientific hero we all needed - MAGA OX
  2. He is in one right now Unfortunately Proof is all over this thread if you need to find it
  3. Is Epenesa that good or did the Jets cut Winters for a reason? A little of both, I think
  4. Better chance the bidet company gets a call back than this clown
  5. Bannon joins Michael Cohen, Paul Mannafort, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn as the sixth associate of Donald Trump to be indicted.
  6. You retweeted it after I posted it here - a simple thank you would have been sufficient
  7. CAN'T WAIT! Wouldn't have known about it if it wasn't for the propagandist above. Thank you Rhino.
  8. Check this out Red Pill. Give it a retweet tweet tweet if you haven't already
  9. Someone is living in la la land. Figuratively and maybe literally.
  10. Might let the grass grow for another 3 weeks and try to carve out a standing Bison with the weed whacker.
  11. Whoa you almost criticized the dear leader. Nice work!
  12. Of course some people at the protests got Covid 19 but there is not any data that shows areas where protests occurred had consistent spikes in Covid 19 cases. Back to tailgating! This dude looks ready for action
  13. No chance Boy Man actually explained it, either.
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