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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Bills have a 97% chance of making the playoffs if the Browns win. Bills have a 95% chance of making the playoffs if the Jets win. Go Browns!
  2. “Life be lifin” he said Worst signing of the Beane era by far
  3. TD is better than tine IMO. Stick ain’t getting a TD
  4. Allen blows today. Beyond terrible
  5. This is a must win. If McDermott loses to Easton Stick, Dunne will release parts 4, 5, and 6 of the McDermott series.
  6. Good win I'd rather have Dallas record this year than the Bills, though.
  7. Can't wait to see what Gabe's momma has to say about this
  8. There was a "real" screen pass in the 4th quarter against the Chiefs on Sunday to Cook. Got 7 or 8 yards
  9. Went from a Billsy Titans loss to a Billsy Dolphins loss pretty quick
  10. Not a rule at all in this situation
  11. 33 on the Titans career is over
  12. Thursday Dunne releases his magnum opus, rightly or wrongly, highlighting McD's lack of accountability for his mistakes. Last night both a well-respected coach and QB, who will both be in the hall of fame one day, deflect all accountability for their wide receiver's blatant mistake onto the referees. Never have I ever seen two people so well-respected in NFL circles whining about a correctly called play. Interesting. Will there be a 20,000 word long form piece on this?
  13. That citation is missing additional paragraphs from Dunne’s article on the topic.
  14. Dunne included it in the article with context and exact words. Why is your problem with Dunne and not the 20 reporters paraphrasing his reporting incorrectly?
  15. Im'a put my tinfoil hat theory here because it makes more sense. Dunne released his article now to show up this Tim Graham report.
  16. My tinfoil hat theory is it wasn't meant to be targeted at McDermott but was meant to target legacy Buffalo media that reported last week Sean is 100% safe. Would explain some of the criticism from his peers. They know it's personal against them.
  17. It can easily be both. He was not a good coach, but McDermott has not been a good coach, either. The main point the source was making was how McD never takes accountability so he predicted if things unraveled, instead of taking accountability for his own mistakes by recognizing them and growing as a coach, he would axe Dorsey. It turned out Dorsey probably should have been let go, but at the same time, the fact is McD has had gaffes this season (and in past ones) just as bad as Dorsey. History shows throughout the numerous sources cited in the article how McDermott never takes accountability for his own mistakes. He's not taking any accountability this year, either.
  18. Going to be tough for McD to compartmentalize all of this and the effect it is about to have on his and his family's personal life in order to coach against the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.
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