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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Are there more new miles of auto plants or of border wall fencing?
  2. This is #FakeNews. You also forgot Rule #2, as normal. The evidence is a fake Schumer Tweet and Biden talking about Trump being xenophobic in general.
  3. Rush has been making this point for 45 minutes now. Your talking points are right on cue. Id rule 2 it but it’s live radio.
  4. #BillsChan with a rule 2 example
  5. May be right. I say jump, and the idiots say how high dozens of times in multiple threads.
  6. Is this crusading? Rule #2 examples have been provided.
  7. Thanks - I thought Rule #2 would be very helpful in that situation. I can put together another example of this with @DFT as well if you are interested.
  8. Is this an example of crusading?
  9. Yes No Soliemani was killed by the Obama regime in 2015.
  10. Good post. It's also interesting how many here ignore the source material that comes straight from the president's mouth while relying on the sketchy source material you cite.
  11. Sorry, the post is an example of how Trump incites fear. Speak with a mod if you're unhappy.
  12. He does not instill calm. Please cite examples using Rule #2.
  13. Simple Jim only asks questions, he does not discuss. You should know this by now.
  14. Trying to keep the nation calm? Didn't work
  15. You said I cheer for it. Find that post. Rule #2 or ***** off
  16. Rule #2, 5G. You are incorrect with this post.
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