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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Why not? I find it's important to read both sides of an issue.
  2. See the asshat above and check his twitter feed.
  3. No I'm sure it was. The Biden's are clowns.
  4. Careful or you'll doxx the Tweeter
  5. I'll put $500 on the under That puts as at 2:44 AM EST on 9/24/2020 The suspense is killing me
  6. Bills of course The USA is ***** regardless who wins.. just ***** a little less if it's Biden. IMO
  7. Biden is fukked. Obama is fukked. Resolution to come in the next week or two.
  8. Nothing shuts him up like his own words
  9. You should change your Tweet handle to #DeepStateDaddy
  10. I disagree. I'll provide a Rule #2 example for you. _____ Here CSection makes his orginal point. You then take that out of context and turn the subject into bitching about CSection dancing on graves. Going to need a Rule #2 on this one
  11. Let me remind you of rule #2, written by your God, and the poster you aspire to be, DR. 2) Show your work: PPP is about expressing your own personal political opinions and thoughts, regardless of your partisanship. That should be fostered and protected and the way to do that is to follow this simple rule: Present any argument/opinion you wish -- but be willing and prepared to show your work, back up your opinions and analysis by engaging in an actual discussion of the topic. CSection is presenting an argument and showing his/her work. You're saying he dances on graves and begging me to find where CSection did such a thing.
  12. It does not. Quote it 5G. You can't and won't.
  13. "People like you" "do something awful" yikes
  14. I don't read the Atlantic so I'm not sure how they label their editorials, but it's under the heading "IDEAS." It's also an idea I never heard about until you posted that and since I'm obviously a liberal media lemming I should have heard it before now.
  15. Is that their take or Graham’s? No, you just quoted me from a few minutes ago. 5G digs deeper than we thought.
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