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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. As a Bills fan it would be awesome if they wore Bills gear but let the hate flow.
  2. Pretty good article. My favorite part: Second, masks are essential, even when we are able to maintain social distance. We should also pay attention to fitting masks snugly, as they are not just a parapet against ballistic droplets, but also a means to prevent “smoke” from leaking in through gaps. We should not remove masks to talk, nor allow someone who is not wearing a mask to talk to us, because we exhale aerosols 10 times as much when talking compared to breathing. Everyone should be careful to not stand behind someone with a poorly fitting mask, as the curvature of an ill-fitting mask can cause aerosols to travel behind the person wearing it.
  3. The drugs must be great. Where do you get them from? Be careful... he probably thinks you're talking about a European country.
  4. The mask blocks respiratory droplets with the virus attached. Covid does not spread "aresolized"
  5. Aerosolized You are a moron. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/scientific-brief-sars-cov-2.html Diseases that are spread efficiently through airborne transmission tend to have high attack rates because they can quickly reach and infect many people in a short period of time. We know that a significant proportion of SARS-CoV-2 infections (estimated 40-45%) occur without symptoms and that infection can be spread by people showing no symptoms. Thus, were SARS-CoV-2 spread primarily through airborne transmission like measles, experts would expect to have observed considerably more rapid global spread of infection in early 2020 and higher percentages of prior infection measured by serosurveys. Available data indicate that SARS-CoV-2 has spread more like most other common respiratory viruses, primarily through respiratory droplet transmission within a short range (e.g., less than six feet). There is no evidence of efficient spread (i.e., routine, rapid spread) to people far away or who enter a space hours after an infectious person was there.
  6. Glad this child disappeared.
  7. Threats of phsycial violence - nice!
  8. You live in a state of denial
  9. Titans win the division and the Dolphins get 7
  10. It will be an even bigger curb stomping
  11. No way. They destroyed the Ravens last year
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