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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. That dude lives in a different reality than the rest of us. It's alright. In other news
  2. Nah he said Go Bulldogs and Wolf told him what's up
  3. Post of the year This one lol - not the response
  4. Please add on to the 10 fat jokes blooper made. They are hilarious.
  5. Assange made bail the deepstateshit said
  6. Up by 1538 yet Ossof's probability has gone up.
  7. Mad props to Stacey Abrams and her team of patriots.
  8. What a moron. Thank you for quoting so I could see that LOL
  9. Time to ignore the blooper and enjoy democracy
  10. Pretty sure John Kreese is a trumper
  11. https://www.patreon.com/posts/30842612
  12. but how good is SI at picking... oh nevermind
  13. Explain how Twitter should be sued for - specifcally - your words "fake impeachment?" Or are you just full of it?
  14. Hope it doesn't keep you up all night
  15. Indeed. The party that received fewer votes whined louder. Pretty similiar IMO
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