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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. lol We'll all be lucky to be distanced from you for life.
  2. No - ignore that. It's pretty funny.
  3. Until you get to the level of @Reality Check you're nothing more than a fly on Pence's head. Quite easy to laugh off while you buzz around.
  4. No doubt - this started with a critique of an insanely hyperbolic statement and he backs it up with more hyperbole. It's difficult to have a conversation with someone who exists in a separate reality from the facts.
  5. Go sign up at BillsChan then bro. They'll love you.
  6. Move to Russia, comrade
  7. They're going to "both sides" all the issues to try to stay afloat.
  8. At least Covid ended after the election, right dude?
  9. lol He should be glad that QANON thread got sent to the dust bin though I would argue the DeepState one is even loonier.
  10. Is that @Foxx or @Deranged Rhino? Can't tell with the new haircut
  11. Indeed. _____ What a great day to be an American
  12. Fantastic afternoon So glad #OrangeManBad slithered away this morning and had zero presence at the ceremony.
  13. Congrats to Joe. Don't ***** it up.
  14. Sorry for your loss, Boy Man. TrumpArea.com lol
  15. No trick plays for a bit - we'll see one Sunday
  16. lol Have a nice day. Not here to defend Trump but in a thread about his impeachment someone is here to blame the summer protests and Ted Wheeler my word
  17. Do you disagree with the right to protest? Should politicians not share those same rights? I'd be interested in the video of Ted egging on the rioting and violence. Been doing it for months. Started in April with this.
  18. There were weeks of legitimate protest, though. What's wrong with that?
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