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Everything posted by WMDman

  1. So much for that theory of Josh can’t play in front of a crowd
  2. Well Philly is the QB factory
  3. I assume it was because hou offered more money
  4. Take duke williams with your first pick
  5. Wade is a slot CB i doubt this has anything to do with Gilmore, also if I’m not mistaken is wade not great in man I thought he was mostly a zone corner?
  6. Surprised as in I thought he’d make it to final cuts
  7. also surprised Devey made it passed this wave of cuts he was AWFUL in Chicago
  8. WOW surprised about lenoir he looked pretty good
  9. more like top 95 tre amirite
  10. This really sucks for HH, if we do IR him id look at Casey rather than short
  11. just a hunch. hes been in the system for a few years they seem to like him
  12. Definitely not a bad thought though a 4th might be too rich for ATL but ya never know they did give us a 7th for lee smith
  13. sucks for lamp but im sure duke will end up on the PS
  15. How’s that not roughing that’s the same thing boogie did last week
  16. I mean I’m cool with that hit by Dre questionable call
  17. No shot, maybe he gets IR’d before the season similar to what happened to isiah h last season
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