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Everything posted by WMDman

  1. WGR said hes propbable
  2. LETS GOOOO BILLS!!!!!!!! god that felt good
  3. Shakir being inactive is def intresting I would have sat AJE instead of Shaq because of Shaqs run D ability
  4. I have my lucky clothes on, Debating weather to put my bills socks on tho
  5. im 50/50 on it hoping for the bills win, hoping we can get a few Stafford picks
  6. But I thought wese were on the ropes
  7. My dad will be thrilled as Knox is his favorite player
  8. Loved manny when he was in denver loved when we signed him last year, glad to get him his first post season TD as a bill
  9. Few thoughts love this as Dawson continues to get better each year and is one of JAs best friends sucks that this will most likely be poyers last year get Ed done next!!!
  10. oh now we HAVE to win...
  11. ayo that kid and Dion were gettin sturdy
  12. damn it Damar what number is OBJ gonna wear now??
  13. i believe they were both captains last year
  14. Wasn't there only 2 offensive captains last year? Love that Mitch is a captain hes very underrated also seeing von as a captain has me at half staff
  15. He cant cover at all, soooooo nah
  16. one year deal is a lil lame
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