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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. We entered this draft with 7 picks that were fifth-rounders or better. In a deep draft, that should've been enough to get four or five quality linemen. Instead, we ended using those 7 picks to only draft two linemen that can help us, McCargo and Williams (sorry, I don't believe Butler will ever amount to anything). McCargo is a bit of an injury risk and Williams has low upside. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Not in my mind, at least. I felt we should've used this draft to thoroughly address the lines. Build the team inside out, not outside in. Perimeter players are dependent players, as in dependent on the lines for success, much moreso than the other way around. I'll stick with my D+
  2. We were virtually guaranteed to have that kind of an outcome. Our roster, well, stinks...
  3. I didn't say that. I said he'd perfect his play at RT first. They basically want him to dominate on the right side before switching him, is what I'm thinking. That's why they were adamant about him staying on the right side for this season.
  4. I agree but I think they want him to perfect his play at RT for one more season before making the switch.
  5. He'd be a third down specialist and that's valuable. There were two of those guys in this draft, Haralson and Keith. Haralson I actually think could bulk up and play more than just 3rd downs. Keith probably not as much and that's why he went undrafted.
  6. Eh. Do it if you want. Everyone should know it's pointless. If there's no interest, so be it.
  7. No trade downs or ups allowed because there's no way you can know what kind of compensation would've been worked out. For example, personally, I would've traded down from #8 overall to get another pick or two but that's not the point here. Just select the 9 players at the exact slots where the Bills picked. Don't cheat--take only players that were available at each draft slot. We'll compare your players with Marv's players a year from now, two years from now, and three years from now. Keep in mind you have an advantage doing it this way because you now know exactly where every player is eventually picked. Your draft SHOULD be better than Marv's. Also, try not to pick players that don't fit the systems we run. Yes, I know this is a pointless, stupid exercise. But maybe it'll be fun as well. Now let me see your drafts. Here's mine: 1. OG Davin Joseph (would've traded down to get, but playing by the rules here, and I like him a lot) 1. OC Nick Mangold 3. OG Max Jean-Gilles 4. S Ko Simpson 5. DE Parys Haralson 5. DT Jonathan Lewis 6. DT Rodrique Wright 7. DT Steve Fifita 7. QB Erik Meyer
  8. The first five picks and Ellison are probably safe for the long-term. All the offensive linemen will probably only stay with us a short amount of time.
  9. No opinion on the last three picks. Ellison sounds like a valuable situational and special teams player, though. The two o-linemen are probably camp fodder.
  10. And we draft our first high-motor player!!!
  11. At the same time, it's plainly obvious that we stuck to our draft board as much as possible and have so far drafted high upside guys, which is what I really want to see out of a draft. No high motor white guys... yet.
  12. I wouldn't be so sure... Usually I'd agree but there's still a couple good guards out there and our guards really suck.
  13. I agree. Whitner was the target all along and it seems like we did a good job keeping him a secret.
  14. Toledo was just drafted by Miami. Didn't want an injury concern anyway.
  15. I like Ko Simpson a lot. When are we going to get a passrusher and guard?
  16. I don't have a big problem with the picks, per se. I would've traded down in the first round and not traded up in the second round, and that would've changed everything. But if you want to do a direct comparison at the slots the Bills ended up, then my picks are going to be weird. I probably go ahead and take Davin Joseph at #8 overall. Hell, why not. I think he's going to be a great guard and I like him better than all of the other guys picked after Whitner. At #26, give me Nick Mangold. At #70, give me DT Jonathan Lewis. Hell, I'll go on record with these picks. Let's compare my draft to Marv's draft in three years.
  17. You know what? Give me the Bills draft over Philly's. I was against Bunkley before the draft and I'm still against him now. To me, Whitner has a better chance of being a good player and a much better chance of being a special player. Bunkley had a great senior year but he just seems like someone who has stretched his body to the limit in the weightroom and will have low upside and be injury prone in the future. All those TFL's he got in college where he just bull-rushed the OL isn't going to cut it in the league. I liked Justice before the draft but there is something majorly wrong with him for an athletic talent with his upside to slip that far. Teams were probably scared off by his character, which frankly does suck. Before the draft, he basically held a tour across the country declaring himself better than D'Brick. That's something I didn't like about JP when he was drafted. Just shut up and play.
  18. I mean, if those are my only three choices, then give me MJG. He has upside that the other two don't.
  19. Let me throw a somewhat random name out there at DT. I don't think anyone has him as draftable and yet I like him a lot. DT Steve Fifita, Utah. He destroyed Pittsburgh's line in the Fiesta Bowl a year and half ago when Utah went undefeated.
  20. I'm thinking DE as well... there are a couple good upside passrushers left... Anderson and Haralson, maybe Wyche
  21. So do I... I'm just saying I don't think he's a Marv type of player.
  22. To answer the question, the remaining players that I like are: DT - Jesse Mahelona, Jonathan Lewis, Gabe Watson, Steve Fifita DE - Mark Anderson, Parys Haralson OG - MJG, Tony Palmer QB - Erik Meyer
  23. Neither Jean-Gilles nor Scott will be the pick. It's eminently clear from hearing Marv and others speak that this regime is about diligence, intensity, and dedication to football. MJG has the weight problem and Scott is a bit of an umotivated pu$$y.
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