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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Hunt didn't run at the combine and PSU hasn't had its Pro Day yet. We have no either how slow or fast Hunt is. Well, we do have film and he looked fine on film. Probably a 4.60 guy but no confirmation yet.
  2. McF-face? How about McFaghee (instead of McGayhee)? Surely someone has thought of McFaghee before...
  3. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Worst idea in the history of mankind. He gets injured. Maybe he's been unlucky but WHY THE HELL would you take the chance?
  4. He sucked in all phases. I mean, it's not like Duke Preston can runblock and he's still on the team.
  5. One time making a strange pick doesn't mean every draft under Marv is going to be strange. Odds are he'll select a player that we've talked about a lot.
  6. That's a fine opinion but it's only opinion. To lecture people based on an assumption that can't be proven seems a bit much. That said, I agree with you that the media suck.
  7. 12 would be fine for Marshawn. He's going to be a very good back. Only thing is, we have a defense in tathers that needs to be addressed. Gotta use 12 for a defensive player.
  8. 1. DT Okoye - played his junior season at 317. played his senior season at 295ish. Was 287 at the Senior Bowl, 302 at the combine. Let's keep him at 305ish and he can be our nose tackle. 2. OLB Poz/Timmons/Beason - whoever is left over from the top 3 OLB. Odds are one of them will be there b/c they are all projected low first / high second 3A CB Daymeion Hughes - he probably had the worst combine of any name player, running a 4.65. People chuckled when he barely nicked the vertical jump bars. Wouldn't be shocked if he slipped to second day actually. But he's a natural zone corner. Great ball skills, can make plays in front of him. Needs safety help over the top, of course, which we provide in our defense. 3B RB Brandon Jackson - he is the third best COMPLETE back in the draft (emphasis on COMPLETE, as in running, catching, and blocking... Peterson is perhaps the best RB prospect [if you ignore injuries] but he's not a complete back) behind Marshawn and Tony Hunt. 4. OLB Quincy Black - only player I haven't seen play in my mock draft. He BLEW UP at the combine. Arguably the best athlete available on defense in the entire draft. From what I've read, fits the character mold and was a big-time playmaker at New Mexico where he manned Urlacher's old hybrid position. GREAT athlete. He might end up being a 2nd round guy, who knows. 6. TE Jonny Harline - most productive pass-catching TE in college. Can't block at all. H-back, lined up at WR most of the time. 7. DT Paul Soliai - Big-time project. Huge guy, 340ish, but moves like a LB. Classic late round gamble.
  9. Like I said, he was much more of your traditional NT as recently as his junior year. Worst case scenario, he can't stop the run but he can provide an interior pass rush. That's a GOOD thing because right now our corners suck ass.
  10. Well, Okoye was considered a very good nose tackle prospect until this past season when he slimmed down and started to shoot gaps instead. If we drafted him, we would ask him to bulk back up again to play the nose. Considering he went from 317 after his junior year to 287 at the Senior Bowl back up to 305 at the combine, he seems to be able to add/lose weight at will.
  11. Prove that he didn't give a hometown discount...
  12. How do you know that? HOw do you know the staff doesn't think A-train is the answer at RB? Or Haggan at LB? Besides... McCargo plays the 3-tech along the line. We need someone on the nose next to him that can take on double teams. I like Kyle Williams but he's an energy/rotation guy more than a guy who's going to consistently take up double teams.
  13. Ummm, did you happen to notice the reports that Dielman ordered his agent to work something out with SD... i.e. hometown discount?
  14. Where is DT in your analysis? Here's the thing. By letting Nate go, the Bills have made the decision to go to a straight cover-2 defense. Right now, we need someone to step in to help rush the passer AND stop the run. We need to get better on the d-line to make this defense work.
  15. I don't think he's comfortable with DT at all. His stated offseason goal was to improve in the areas of run and stop the run. He's done one of those...
  16. They didn't franchise Nate so they better not go round 1 corner. That's retarded. I'd take DT over LB at this point. The d-line must improve to make the Tampa-2 work.
  17. ????? Why would we want to trade up to get an injury prone RB? Why draft a RB in the first round when you have a defense that's been ravaged? If McGahee goes for a 3rd-rounder, why would you need to trade up into the top 5 overall picks for an upgrade? It's just terrible logic all around.
  18. Unlike others, I think this was hilarious. For those wishing for NE to go away, please. It will never happen with Belichick as coach.
  19. I agree and I disagree. First, you're right that Walker's relative strength is runblocking but unlike Mike Williams, it's not at the point of attack. Walker can be an effective runblocker at the second-level stuff, getting out to linebackers with his surprising speed and redirecting them with his long arms. At the point of attack, he does get overpowered. And yes, he is terrible in pass protection up to this point in his career. I am hopeful of him reaching his potential, but up to now, he has been a bad player.
  20. Jauron indicated that the Bills were almost completely done so I would only expect low-level free agents from here on out. Which is fine. There's not much out there and we got a good guard. Here's what Jauron said: " "Really a terrific day for us," coach Dick Jauron said. "It was just an outstanding day. We've got a happy building. Our free agency is, maybe not totally complete, but with the addition of these three today, it's been a terrific time." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/foot...ls.signings.ap/
  21. Everyone agreed Whitner would be a good player. The criticism had nothing to do with him sucking. Huge difference. Here, people are out and out saying that Walker sucks ass but has potential. We shall see what happens.
  22. There's no need for us to dog the niners just because Nate signed there. They, like us, are a young team on the rise (hopefully). Shoot, they may very well be the better team over the next few years and sentiments like these will come back to bite us. Let's just be happy for Nate and move on.
  23. I saw Walker get beat several times in the Raiders season opener alone. I mean, he was owned. Every time I saw the Raiders o-line last year, they looked terrible (and every time, that included Walker). Now, my understanding of what I see right in front of me should pale in comparison to the Bills front office. I know that. However, I'm just telling you, from the level of a fan, Langston Walker looked godawful last year.
  24. 1. I'm thrilled with the Bills' emphasis on improving the offensive line. I'm OKAY with the players we've signed (so far), as in, I'm not walking around with an erection or anything. I think overall we'll be happy with Dockery but there will also be some games where we'll be scratching our heads at his effort or penalties, but then again, there will be some games where he's killing people and we love him. Maybe he will continue to develop and become a consistently great player because we are surely paying him great player money. I think we'll be surprised by how well Whittle plays for his low-level contract. On the other hand, I think we'll be very disappointed in Walker unless McNally can tap into his potential. Thus, my prediction is that a year from now, we'll view our offensive like this on a love/hate spectrum: Peters (we heart you, Jason) >>> Dockery >>> Whittle/Fowler >>>>> Walker (bust). 2. I would draft another OG on the first day. I would prefer Whittle to serve as great depth instead of being a starter. I mean, injuries still happen. If Dockery goes down, for example, we're right back to Duke Preston at guard. Ugh. 3. We should still prioritize the lines. Again, I would take another guard on the first day, but I would also shift the #1 priority position to DT. Maybe Okoye. 4. Yes. 5. It'd be silly to draft corner. If CB is not important enough for us to franchise Nate, then it's also not important enough for us to spend the #12 overall pick on. I just want our front office to have a plan, to be consistent with it, and to follow it through, even if I don't agree with it. To draft a corner at 12 would be undermining your own plan, as in, why the frak didn't you just franchise Nate instead??? The #12 overall pick should go to improving the front 7 on defense, which should make the back 4 better players. That's the path we've started to march down so let's follow through.
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