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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. You now completely trust the front office just because they didn't give an average receiver big bucks? Besides giving your trust based on one decision, you're kinda grading on a curve aren't you? I mean, I'm extremely nice to kids, but even I don't praise them or put complete faith in them just because one time they walked by an electric socket without sticking their tongue in it. I sorta just expect them not to do that. I used to have trust in the front office. But after so many bad seasons in a row, they lost my trust, and they won't fully regain it until they do something really praise-worthy, like make the playoffs.
  2. Who's holding a gun to Pete's head? I was polite and used logic and facts. Pete said he was certain and I wanted to understand why. Although I appreciate your concern for poor little Pete, I don't think he really needs your help. Unlike you, I don't think he's a retard waiting for a superhero like you to save him. Quite frankly, I gave your mom a harder time than Pete. If you know what I mean. Hard as in my manjunk.
  3. Disagree. He basically wants more money than what the employers will give him. The same is true of 90% of America. Like I said, he could be the greatest guy in the world (or the worst guy in the world). You don't know anything about him.
  4. Yup. But actually Trent has his detractors among Bills fans as well. Among 49er fans, Shaun Hill is almost universally popular.
  5. To be fair to MattyT, he didn't say he was rooting for a loss THAT day. He's just trying to find a silver lining and your sarcasm is kinda harsh and unnecessary there.
  6. Very good point, and I agree. Basically, you have to have knowledge of the Bills draft board in order to predict whether the Bills are trying to trade down or not. Only Chris Brown or someone like him who has sources can really make that prediction. I'm not trying to give Pete a hard time or anything. I just don't want people to assume that the Bills are doing one thing and then be disappointed when they do something else.
  7. Word. I'd rather have the memory of a season-opener win.
  8. How do you know Kelly will last past pick 12, much less to pick 22? Two years ago, the Bills just went ahead and selected Whitner at #8 instead of trading down and "taking a chance that he'll still be there later." A lot of people supported that decision (were you one of them?) because it wasn't worth "taking a chance." So if the Bills are in the same position this year whereby they've set their sights on a player (Whitner in '06, Kelly in '08), why would they trade down now? Why are you so confident the Bills want to trade down?
  9. How can you be so "certain" that this is the Bills plan? How many times have the Bills traded down over the past decade? Wasn't it just once (the Nate Clements draft)? The Bills MIGHT be trying to trade down. The Bills also might NOT be. If recent history is any indicator, then I would lean to NOT. Also, the Bills probably had an opportunity to trade down two drafts ago, with Leinart and Cutler still on the board, and they chose to stay put.
  10. To put it another way, Bryant Johnson might go to the 49ers and be an absolutely great teammate for that 1 year. He might go to meetings early, give advice to rookies, do extra film work on his own time, etc etc. Who really knows? The only thing YOU know is that he signed a 1-year contract. You don't know his personality, his work ethic, his willingness to help teammates, etc etc. You don't know anything about him. You can't make character judgments based on contract negotiations.
  11. Why is he any less of a team guy than anyone else? He very well might be but I don't consider contract negotiations to be relevant in determining that. Bryant Johnson signed for what he thought was best for him, which is exactly like every other player in the NFL. All players look out for themselves, which is what they SHOULD do. For example, when Kelsay got that huge contract, the Bills eventually had to re-do Schobel's contract as well to correct the pay scale even though Schobel had 3 years left on his contract. But I'm sure you consider Schobel to be a great team guy, right? Teamwork is teamwork, money is money. Taking care of yourself and being a good teammate aren't mutually exclusive.
  12. Yeah, good teams build through the draft and draft successfully anyway. This FA market was thin and I think most people recognized that.
  13. Bryant Johnson IS a role player. If I were a SF fan, I couldn't care less about his contract.
  14. "myself dispersing my manseed" & "arch of your mother's back following vigorous canine-style procreative activity."
  15. That's what they said about Copernicus and Galileo. An open mind gathers more knowledge than a closed one, my friend.
  16. [Note: I was going to post this before the thread got locked. It's no longer relevant. FYI, a quick thank you to the mods (Lori) for their quick work!] Literally a million things are funny about it, of which I'll share a few. The randomness / outrageousness of the comment and the fact that it just came out of the blue. The fact that I don't think Mel Kiper Jr is Jewish. The fact that kgun never really explicitly referred to Kiper; he just said "Mike Mayock is better than this [slur]", which could actually refer to himself (kgun). (You know, like, "What has two thumbs and enjoys BJs? This guy!") I believe kgun is posting at a level that is way above our heads, disseminating English lessons among many other things with his finely tuned, precise one-liner, whereby every word can be examined and re-interpreted through an educational lens.
  17. Does Takeo and his family still live in Buffalo then?
  18. Sept. 9 DENVER BRONCOS - W Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers - L Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots - L Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS - W Oct. 8 DALLAS COWBOYS - W Oct. 21 BALTIMORE RAVENS - W Oct. 28 @ New York Jets - L Nov. 4 CINCINNATI BENGALS - W Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins - W Nov. 18 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS - L Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars - L Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins - W Dec. 9 MIAMI DOLPHINS - W Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns - W Dec. 23 NEW YORK GIANTS - W Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles - L 10-6. I'm surprised I came up with that. But that's my first instinct run through this schedule. I guess I don't think it's as hard as people are saying.
  19. So the Skins will give up the #6 pick for the 31st pick, a 3rd rounder, and Tim Anderson. Huh.
  20. Turner is a much better RB prospect than BJax, as much as I like him. Turner can break tackles that BJax can't.
  21. I've been pimping BJax for awhile now. He's really not big enough to handle RB duties alone, but in an RBBC with a big back to complement him, he'd be very good.
  22. Willis. He's much more likely to still be around, healthy, and playing well in 10 years. He would also be a team leader and someone you'd be proud to have around in the community.
  23. We shall see, won't we? If Marv can draft a small safety at #8, he can pitch #12 for a RB. I don't think it'll be straight up. It might involve a swap of #1s with SD. If the Bills trade a high pick for Turner, wouldn't he then be a projected starter? I have the same reservations as you about Turner. But I've also seen his speed and power in action. I'm impressed.
  24. Teams consider Turner to be another prospect, imo. Just like Peterson and Lynch. Except we have NFL film on Turner... and he's durable and doesn't fumble.
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