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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Exactly. We have to wait 3 years to see the NFC West again. 3 years to see the AFC West. Probably more than 5 years for another Brady-less season. THIS was the year to get to the playoffs and win the division. And we're blowing it. WHY did they extend Jauron? Why, why, why?
  2. It is clear to me and has been clear for some time now that Dick Jauron is the dumbest motherf-cker to have ever coached the Buffalo Bills. THE F-CKING DUMBEST, hands down. There may have been some Bills head coaches that were worse coaches OVERALL than Jauron when you take into account other factors like player motivation and respect. But when you isolate the quality of just pure intelligence as a coach, Dick Jauron is the biggest retard I've EVER seen. Ironic for an alleged Yale grad. He plays it conservative when he should take chances and then he takes chances when he should play it conservative. He has no concept of game management whatsoever. None. I've been saying over and over and over again for months and years now that all this idiot will ever do is lead us to heartbreaking losses and I've been proven right again and again and again. You can't have such a retarded game manager for a head coach. It's just excruciating. I would rather just outright suck than deal with Jauron's brand of almost mediocrity.
  3. Allowing Trent to pass the ball in a no-way-in-hell-should-they-pass situation. Hmmm, where have we seen that before? Oh yeah, the Dallas game on MNF last year when the city's heart was broken again. Remember when the Bills had the ball in Dallas territory late in last year's game and a FG would've pretty much sealed a win? Run the ball and kick the FG and the Bills win. INSTEAD, JAURON ALLOWS TRENT TO THROW AN OUT THAT WAS PICKED OFF BY NEWMAN, setting in motion the most devastating regular season loss for the Bills and our fans in years... Sorry for bringing up the Dallas game but this loss clearly opened up old wounds for me. As bad as tonight was, the loss to Dallas was 10 times worse. Everything we saw today, we had seen before. Two Monday Night football games, two embarrassing and heartbreaking losses. The crowd was jacked up both games, the players laid it all out on the field both games, and Dick Jauron was his usual jackass dumbass self and blew both games. This city deserves better.
  4. What's even more maddening about the end-of-game pu$$y playcalling is how it contradicted the way the Bills handled the end of last year's MNF game. Remember when the Cowboys had no timeouts and less than 30 seconds were driving to get into long FG range AND THE BILLS DEFENSE DIDN'T PROTECT THE SIDELINES and allowed Dallas to make 5 to 10 yard outs to get into long FG range? If Jauron is so confident that a 47 yard FG is chipshot range, then why didn't he protect the sidelines against the Cowboys last year and allowed them get into "chipshot" range?
  5. My prediction is not a single one of these scores will be correct. So if nobody gets it right, put my name in the thread title. Yay, I'm psyched.
  6. I'm sure this has been pointed out, but one big difference, among many, between Fisher and Jauron is that Fisher didn't fail elsewhere. Dick Jauron's career obviously goes back beyond the past 3 seasons. He's not really 19-22 to start his career. He's 55-71. At no point in his career was Jeff fisher 55-71.
  7. Why did the Pack cut him then? He's almost certainly done.
  8. The whole #1, #2, #3 thing is a pretty antiquated way of looking at it, imo. The way you should look at the receiving corps is this: A) Do you have an elite deep threat? B) Do you have an elite move-the-chains guy? C) Do you have one more reliable guy with good hands? Evans count as A, I think. Reed counts as C. We're still looking for B. Once you have all A B and C together, that's a great receiving corps and you can stand pat.
  9. Actually, the public bettors are all over the Bills this week. And of course they are. We're a 5-1 team playing a 2-4 team and we just solidly beat another public team in SD. I don't know if you're in any kind of pick'em league like Yahoo, but just check the percentages. I'm sure 75 to 80% are picking the Bills. It's not the public that is keeping this line low, it's the sharp bettors with heavy money counteracting the nickel-and-dime public bets. Not to fear, though. The sharp bettors are only right 55-60% of the time themselves. I think they'll be wrong here and the Bills will win. It was SD -1, pick, or Buf -1. Basically a very similar situation to this week. Most of the public bettors were on SD at such a low line and after they blew out NE while the sharps were on the Bills.
  10. We're all carrying Staph -- you're carrying Staphylococcus epidermis on your skin right now. As you may know, bacteria are everywhere and are a normal, necessary part of our lives. I think what's happening in Cleveland is that the people in charge of their facilities screwed up. The more they tried to disinfect their facilities, the more they selected for resistant bacteria; "select" in this case means natural selection. The thing about killing bacteria is that you better get them all or they're only going to grow back stronger and tougher to deal with. In other words, the bacteria they managed to kill were the weak ones, and the ones they couldn't kill were the strong ones. Then, when the strong ones multiplied and grew back, they were ALL strong. In Cleveland, their facilities are now teeming with disinfectant-resistant pathogenic S. aureus bacteria. Any time one of their players gets a wound, they're at great risk of getting an infection.
  11. It's a concussion, not a bruise or cut that you can see is doing better. I wouldn't be surprised if they held him out as a precaution but if Trent plays, I think the Bills win.
  12. Belichick's stubbornness in not bringing in a veteran QB is both hilarious and stunning. Cassel is so clearly over his head that 5-11 is possible with this team. Honestly, even if they plucked wrinkly-assed, retired Bostonian Flutie from his cushy ABC analyst seat and put him behind center, I would probably make them one of the Super Bowl favorites. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't tell Belichick, though! I wish Cassel much health and 16 games under his belt this season.
  13. Nothing. Not saying the Bills couldn't improve in several areas, but to make the playoffs against THIS schedule? They just need to keep playing like they have been in going 4-1. Don't overreact to one bad loss. Every team will throw up a stinker every now and then, especially if your starting QB goes down in the game. Besides, that was just a loss against an NFC team. If the Bills spend two weeks being grumpy and come out kicking arse against San Diego, an actual AFC playoff contender, then overall, it's not a disastrous tradeoff. The SD game is much, MUCH more important than the Ariz game.
  14. RIP Tim. Honestly, very few things get me emotional. Tim is such a great man that this got to me. But he's in a better place.
  15. Even at the time of his previous extension, everyone was able to look at the contract and say, "Wow, what a great deal the Bills are getting." Now? Now Peters is vastly underpaid for being one of the top LTs in the league. If we don't pay him, that's like saying we don't want to win. Pay him. Pay that man his money.
  16. And why are the Bills behind Cleveland and Houston? Is it their superior coaching or superior front office? Because when the Jauron era started, the Bills were even with or ahead of those two franchises. This is actually a decent point. Everyone thinks that, because of their size, the Bills have some sort of smashmouth o-line. But so far, they've proven to be good passblockers and mediocre to poor runblockers. Maybe they just need another season together or a talent like Hardy on the field to complement Evans. (A good center would probably help. ) But the o-line needs to get much better at runblocking this season. Otherwise, for all that money we spent on them, they will be a bit of a disappointment. It's not like we're a warm-weather or dome team. We NEED to be able to run the ball.
  17. I disagree. That was a pretty mediocre article. Points 2 and 3 are just common sense and not even worth stating. You don't say... a missed FG is like a turnover?... who exactly is he debunking there? As for point #1, I want to see waaaay more data than what he supplied, especially across several seasons, before I give his opinion credence.
  18. Exactly. Your post is the only one worth a damn in this thread. It's like everyone else forgot their brains at home. What New England did was against the rules. What McNally did isn't. That's the only thing that needs to be pointed out.
  19. If we're going to pick a rookie that surprises, I'll go with Chris Ellis.
  20. Right, our 7th-round rookie is going to end up being a taller, faster version of the guy who led the NFL in receptions last season. I think he'll do well just to make the team.
  21. I doubt the rising popularity of soccer as well. I mean, it's not like the attention spans of our kids are going to increase in the future. And they're the future adults who will make the TV-viewing decisions. They won't be tuning to soccer. I agree that MMA will become huge, though.
  22. All your posts in this thread have been excellent. You have it exactly right. If the Bills were already a playoff team, a perennial contender that is just ONE PLAYER AWAY, that player being a DE, then yes, you would consider that deal, assuming Jason Taylor even wants to play football right now. But the Bills are at a different point in their playoff development. We're trying to become a perennial contender, and we need to first make a playoff appearance for the first time in 9 years. You can't make that trade until you know your team foundation is sound, until you're just "one player away."
  23. You know a good way to judge drafts? Wins and losses. If the Bills continue to miss the playoffs, we'll pretty much have our answer. Something has to give. You can't continue to have "great drafts" and continue to suck.
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