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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Right, because it's soooo wrong for players to want to make millions of dollars. What is wrong with you people?
  2. Maybe the Colts will trade us two 7th rounders to get Jauron as their coach. He's another player's coach who has familiarity with the Cover 2. It'll be like when Tampa Bay replaced Dungy with Gruden and traded 2 first rounders to do so.
  3. The Patriots are going nowhere. The way Belichick coached up Cassell during the season was the stuff of legends. Early in the season, he was awful, and by the end he was a good QB. We're lucky that tiebreakers kept NE out of the playoffs because they could've won their 4th championship the way the playoffs have been going. McDaniel leaving? So what? Charlie Weiss left, Romeo Crennel left. Belichick will just take the next hard working young man and coach him into a good coach as well. Pioli leaving? Knowing the Patriots, they probably had a succession plan in place for awhile now, and Belichick has always had a lot of say in personnel matters. If he has to take on more duties wrt personnel, he'll probably succeed.
  4. Seattle is a bigger joke than the Bills. Right. Uh huh. Honestly, I like Detroit's situation going forward better than I do the Bills. Their new GM fleeced Dallas on a trade. They're going to be getting a new coach and the league may be assisting them in that search. Just the fact that they're starting over means that they're ahead of the Bills. Once we decide to give up on Jauron (will never happen), then we'll catch up to where Detroit is now. Obviously, Detroit just went 0-16 but as Miami, Baltimore and Atlanta have shown, turnarounds can be fairly quick.
  5. Titans would be up in this game perhaps by two scores if their backup center didn't have so many snapping issues. The playoffs is a bad, bad time to lose your starting center.
  6. Tebow won't be a first round draft pick. Slow release, no zip. Great college QB, but probably won't even be a QB in the pros. His intangibles are great, though, and would love to have him on the team in some capacity. Bradford is a QB that needs protection. Put him behind a good o-line and he'll be deadly accurate with a quick release. But yes, he can't create from a broken play, which limits his value. Still, as long as a team invests in o-linemen to protect him, he's worth a top 10 pick. But it's a package deal. Can't have one without the other.
  7. Probably not the real deal. Too injury prone. Sure, we can improve the o-line but it's also impossible for a QB to go the entire season without getting hit. I would prefer a more durable guy so that his health status doesn't hang over the team like a dark cloud during the season.
  8. Last. Buffalo Bills coach. Ever.
  9. Ralph not buying out Jauron? Shocker
  10. They didn't even mask the pass. No play action, run formation, nothing. LOL. Dick Jauron is a retard.
  11. What a ridiculous farce. The decision is already made. If Dick Jauron isn't the coach next year, I'll give all of you $10 through PayPal. Jauron is the final coach the Buffalo Bills will ever have.
  12. What's the risk? We end up with someone almost as bad as Jauron? OF COURSE the right move is to fire dumbass Dick. But whatever. 3-year extension -- no way Ralph eats that money. I've already come to terms with the idea that Dick Jauron will be the last head coach the Buffalo Bills ever have.
  13. I'd take Ray Rhodes at this point. WTF did Jauron do turmeric that extension?
  14. They won't have to. The nature of the NFL offseason is that the draft and training camp will get fans excited again. In mid August, 32 NFL fanbases think their team is going to make the playoffs. I mean, it looks bleak now but you idiots will sucker yourself into supporting Jauron again during the offseason. Ralph and the Bills won't have to do a thing, much less eat a 3-year contract extension.
  15. Yeah, it's worse this season because, in Year 3 of the Jauron/Levy era, people have finally lost patience whereas in previous seasons, there was still a prevailing "let it play out" attitude. Year 3 is always a critical year in a rebuild. Hence, much caterwauling about what we have witnessed.
  16. The fans ARE part of the problem. No way Jauron would've gotten a 3 year extension had the fans called for his head over a year ago like they should've. Instead, we had idiots supporting him and discussing him as a good or even great coach that did a better job than any other coach could've. Those fans DESERVE Jauron for 3 more years. And that's what they'll get. Unfortunately, I did not support Jauron but I'll have to suffer along with them.
  17. Ralph: "Blah blah blah... not Jauron's fault.... blah blah blah" Translation: "You want me to eat a 3 year extension? No f-cking chance"
  18. Exactly. Get the right people in charge and a turnaround can happen very fast. Jauron is not the right people.
  19. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...nto-cover_N.htm link for quote
  20. Nate Davis, Ball State
  21. Before the loss to SF, the Bills only had a 5% chance at the playoffs. http://footballoutsiders.com/stats/playoffodds When that link gets updated later on this week, I expect we'll only have a 1% chance at it.
  22. It makes more sense to me that the extension did occur than not. If a false news report was given and the extension never happened, wouldn't the Bills come out and say so? Wouldn't Jauron's agent come and say so? The Bills just never officially announced the extension because they wanted to be "cool" too and not discuss the terms of personnel contracts because they saw the other cool kids doing that and so now they think that way too. Contracts are an organizational matter not a public matter, you see? Aren't the Bills so cool guys? But again, if a false report was given, wouldn't they denounce it? And they're certainly not going to announce the extension NOW. It's embarrassing. Dick Jauron is an embarrassment and the Bills are an embarrassment for having him as our coach through 2011. And Ralph Wilson is an embarrassment for being too cheap to eat the extension. 3 more years of Dick.
  23. Chicago is not cheap. 3 more years of Dick.
  24. LOL Contract extension
  25. Dick Jauron is not 19-23. He is 55-72. None of those coaches were ever 55-72. None of those coaches failed elsewhere. HUGE differences that only retards would ignore.
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