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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. He's thrown worse. My favorite is the one he threw against the Eagles in the playoffs years ago that cost Green Bay the game. Towards the end of the game, he just threw the ball almost straight up in the air for some reason and the Eagles defender caught the equivalent of an infield pop-up. It was the same year his father died and the joke going around was he was trying to play catch with his dad.
  2. Marv just trying to save face. Hopefully Buddy Nix can fix the mess that Marv left behind.
  3. I would've already cut Edwards since he had inappropriate feelings for Jauron ( http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2008/12/17/e...-text-to-jauron ). If I were Gailey, I definitely would not trust Trent. I'm not even talking about football here; I think Trent might try to kill Gailey in the future.
  4. He doesn't even have a wikipedia page. But since Gailey will be the one calling plays and designing offense, it really doesn't matter.
  5. The whole universe is thinking about drafting a QB after what just happened this NFL season. Bills won't be able to get Clausen at #9. By April, everyone will have him going in the top 5.
  6. Et tu Buddy. Man, this old cat better as !@#$ know what he's doing, chasing off Marty like that. What's funny is every time I listen to Buddy talk, I become more impressed. He's sharp, he really is, and he is the dominant personality in the Buddy/Chan tandem relationship. Fine, Buddy, you get your "yes man" in Chan. Now go make it work. Go get the stud players that can run Chan's crappy offenses. Vindicate my belief in you, especially since you ran off a sure thing in Marty. Get that whip ready for Chan. Make sure he busts his ass gameplanning, teaching, leading, building out the offense and defense, and most of all, whip Chan like a dog if he makes game management mistakes. Nobody wants another Jauron. In Buddy we trust, for now.
  7. **Raises hand** http://www.firechangailey.com/tape.php Those stats don't guarantee that he won't succeed offensively. But I do have my reasonable doubts.
  8. Marty with the Raiders??? I guess you're not aware of his hatred for that organization. Marty wasn't interested in any job until now. At least if you believe the multiple reports that he was comfortable with retirement. Therefore, I must admit, I wouldn't bet my house on Tim Graham being right about his interest in the Bills in this instance, but Marty WAS a former Bill who won a championship here. It's possible. And if Graham is right, it was a major mistake to not hire him. People are in love with Marty because he has rebuilt previously struggling franchises many times. He'd be perfect for Buffalo.
  9. Someone bump the "I'm having bad thoughts about my great uncle" thread... because I'm having very bad thoughts right now
  10. LOL. This was well done.
  11. Lombardi's point about marketing was only a small part of his article. I was more struck by the opinion that Gailey is more of a playcaller than a leader / head coach because that's my fear as well and also the opinion that Gailey isn't really that good of an offensive mind (which seems to be supported by his poor offensive stats at Georgia Tech - http://www.firechangailey.com/tape.php ). But, even though the marketing aspect was not the entire scope of Lombardi's article, I do think we should not underestimate the damage that can be done by the community's collective negativity over the hire. It will operate in subtle ways for sure but negativity is not a good environment to breed success.
  12. I like how when you youtube Chan Gailey, the first video that comes up is titled "Chan Gailey goof"
  13. Oooh boy is the tide going to turn tomorrow when they hear about Gailey. Not that it matters.
  14. That's taking it too far, imo. I would rather have Gailey than Jauron. I guess that's the silver lining. We still upgraded at head coach.
  15. Not that I care, but the Bills will be accused of being racist for hiring Gailey. Not by many but by a few. I can already picture Wilbon on PTI railing against the hiring of a retread white coach instead of Frazier. Again, I personally don't care one way or another. Just predicting that a few accusations of racism will come.
  16. Yeah, I know. I wasn't really serious about wanting Paul Johnson as coach (although my guess is someone as smart as him would figure out a way to adjust eventually to the NFL, given experience). Just pointing out the extreme disappointment of the thought of Gailey being the next Bills head coach.
  17. Whom should the Bills hire to replace Gailey in 2013?
  18. Appreciate the level-headedness, but... Chan Gailey.
  19. I don't think the league cares. They probably prefer the Bills to be in LA anyway.
  20. It's a good question. I doubt Harbaugh was interviewed.
  21. They better have tried to interview Paul Johnson first then. There isn't one Georgia Tech fan alive that doesn't believe Johnson is a much better coach than Gailey.
  22. And when Brees carves them up next week, will Frazier all of a sudden suck? I don't think his stock should vacillate so much from week to week. Frazier's a good coaching candidate regardless of how his defense plays during the playoffs. He's well-respected around the league and most everyone expects that he'll be a head coach eventually, whether in Buffalo or elsewhere.
  23. Well, we wouldn't be talking about him if he did. It's hard to hire a head coach that is already head coach of another team. I think there are even rules against that and stuff.
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