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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. I would focus on the hole in her tongue. The HPV risks of eating kitty.
  2. The Khan stuff has been great for Trump. He doesn't want to overheat too soon. It'd be best for him to go into Nov 8th trailing by like 3 in the national polls.
  3. Rhino, hopefully you can take a compliment. Even though I disagree with your theories like half the time (especially about Trump), I appreciate that you think for yourself. One day this independence of thought will lead you to the right answers as to what's going on in this world. You're on the cusp most of the time, I'd say.
  4. Sorry, Joe Miner, I can not in good conscience promote genocide of latinos and blacks. Just like I can not kill a chihuahua or a baboon. You are heartless.
  5. Honestly curious with this question. How does your field (or thesis) deal with the IQ differences between races? Do you ignore as irrelevant, dismiss the IQ tests as biased, say that poverty causes low IQ, or something else? Jesus, I make ONE post asking for genocide of illegal immigrants and now I'm forever branded as a genocider. Truth be told, I don't support genocide of any race, not even the insidious, parasitic race that controls finance/banking, U.S. foreign policy, Hollywood, news media, and education, using the latter three to brainwash our children into becoming degenerates. When I advocated for the "Hola!-caust," it was just because I thought "Hola!-caust" was a hilarious pun and still do. (Your mileage may vary.) But no, I do not want to see genocide. My alt-right bros call me the liberal of the alt-right for not wanting to gas everyone. All I want is for people to recognize that the races are different. Many of the problems in this country are caused by the Left trying to make blacks and latinos equal to whites. Which, biologically, can't happen. Once we recognize that races are not equal, we can enact sane policy to improve the country.
  6. Jay Five @JayFivekiller More American soldiers have been killed by Muslim-American soldiers (Maj Nidal) than Muslim-American soldiers have died in combat. #Hillary 11:18 AM - 29 Jul 2016
  7. Hillary is a neocon. Therefore, (((GG))) will vote for Hillary.
  8. lol, right. our teachers are so much worse than other countries'. it's not that we have the most diverse country and therefore latinos and blacks drag down the average of whites and asians. on an apples vs apples basis, American schools do just fine. as well as the Nordic countries or what-have-you.
  9. Shannon Bream ✔@ShannonBream Crowd chanting "USA! USA!" Delegate in front of me stands up and yells, "Stop that! That's a Trump chant!" #DNCinPHL 7:58 PM - 27 Jul 2016 PFTCommenter @PFTCommenter Tim Kaine mails in the warranty card on his wifes vibrator 9:41 PM - 27 Jul 2016
  10. I'd love an alliance with Russia. They're white. Erdogan should've never shot down that plane.
  11. Nah, dumbasses have decided that this is just the new normal and heck, Trump will make it worse.
  12. GERMANY BOMB HORROR: 12 injured as Syrian asylum seeker blows himself up outside wine bar http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/692793/Ansbach-explosion-Nuremberg-Germany-Blast
  13. Walid Shoebat thinks Sonboly was actually an Islamist Turk, not Iranian In the end, from a pure propaganda standpoint, it doesn't matter. 90% of the population isn't going to care to differentiate between a Turkish jihadi and an Iranian school shooter. More people died, and someone from a Middle Eastern background was responsible.
  14. You do understand the quality of SJW women, right? They ugly.
  15. lol at Germany refusing to allow Erdogan's plane to land Merkel finally shuts out a refugee
  16. If it's really Gulen, then it's U.S./Israel backed, which would make me sad.
  17. the above Putin quote in link form
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